Monday, June 30, 2008

Highgate Brewery - Bee-Zone 4.0%

Taste: Initial taste is lighter than clouds. Breathe out the flavor; it's fabulous. This ale lacks substance however. Very subtle honey for a honey beer. Sounds like D-Day if you put it to your ear. British memories.

Would you buy 2? No, there is no substance, wow factor or USP (Unique Selling Point)

Would you buy 4? No! How could I buy 4 if I wouldn't buy 2? That would have to involve a major administration error. It doesn't make sense at all.

Appearance: Again, what's with all the yellow?! You could hardly call it brown.... maybe in another life

Rating (out of 7): * * *

Batemans - Valiant 4.2%

Taste: Tingly to the max! Like swirling nettles around your mouth with mouthwash. I can imagine bees swooping over giant vats of the stuff, dipping their honey drenched knees into the taught liquid surface.

Would you buy 2? Don't even ask. Assume that it is so.

Would you buy 4? It's the summer. Damn Right!

Appearance: People think i'm drinking lager it's so yellow!!! .... Will it lose points?

Rating (out of 7): * * * * * Mega Refreshing

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Theakston's - XB 4.5%

Taste: Meaty, a little spicy, a touch crispy. Hints of earth, but not a muddy earth, more of a tangy earth. Sweet aftertaste.

Appearance: Cloudy with floaties. Brown effervescent.

Would you buy two? Yep.

Would you buy four? Ooooh, yep, no,

Rating (out of seven): * * * *

Ffos Y Ffin Brewery - Three Arches 4.8%

Taste: Fresh spring water, lingering darkness, glimmer of hope. Like trying to escape Port Talbot through a secret waterfall. Rubbery in a good way.

Appearance: Dark and un-arty.

Would you buy two? Yes, on a train.

Would you buy four? mmmm, I would probably tempted elsewhere.

Rating (out of seven): * * * *

Everards - Sunchaser 4%

Taste: Zesty and badgery, like a badger feasting on a range of citrus fruits. Very refreshing as you would imagine and not watery at all. A pleasant summery delight!

Appearance: Morning fresh and tropical.

Would you buy two?

Would you buy four?
Yeah sir, on sunny day.

Rating (out of seven): * * * * *

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wychwood Brewery - Fiddler's Elbow 4.5%

Taste: A discriptive ale.Wheaty, Soapy, watery, Lively and Lovely. Good words. Great Times, quite Bitter. Tastes like if you mixed Yellow (lager) with Brown.

Would you buy 2? Yeah, I'm counting my change, but it's mostly in coppers.

Would you buy 4? I've spent all my pennies, no.

Appearance: A Great bottle featuring a photo-realistic rendering. Quite a dark, mellow brown. Fizzy head.

Rating (out of 7):  * * * * (... Good times roll...)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter 4%

Taste: Tastes like an old hoppy copper pot. You know.... Tasting better after 7 free sandwiches now. Tastes like it's 100 years old. So old.
Would you buy 2? no! Tastes like drinking something that people are being hurt for.

Would you buy 4? no, I told you I wouldn't even buy 2!

Appearance: Quite the organic looking syrup.

Rating (out of 7): * * *

Young's - Kew Gold 4.8%

Taste: Like falling asleep among the ducks at Kew. How deliciously smooth this ale is. Tingly???

Would you buy 2? Alright!

Would you buy 4? Yeah okay! Go! .... Hang on, your soapy smoothness has brainwashed me. Deception in Ale Form.

Appearance: Light Brown, Real Nice.

Rating (out of 7):  * * * * *

Clarks - No Angel 4%

Taste: Aley and Fairly bitter. This Review is brief. I am going to knock marks off of it, as it obviously didn't inspire. To the standard ale filing cabinet with you!

Would you buy 2? Why not, imagine a scenario where it was the only ale on.

Would you buy 4? It would be hard to imaging the scenario for this one.... it would probably involve shouting and/or going to another public house.

Appearance: Dark Gold - wonderful colour! Points back on!

Rating (out of 7):  * * *

Elland Brewery - Nettle Thrasher 4.4%

Taste: Like being stung in the mouth with a massive nettle. Amazing but quite bitter, this is great times!

Would you buy 2? Yes! this is awesome

Would you buy 4? Maybe, i'm coming down from the initial high now though, could be overload on taste; if that's possible?!

Appearance? Dark Brown Goodness

Rating (out of 7): * * * * *

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ruddles - Rhubarb 4.7%

Taste: Like a rhubarb and custard sweet has been dropped in a pint of bitter. Or like a bit of bark from a tree rubbed with sweet sugar and some of the aforementioned sweets. Whoary aftertaste. But all in all, strangely alluring and quite quite odd.

Appearance: Orangey brown. Fake wood.

Would you buy two? You have to share this experience, for good or bad!

Would you buy four? Probably not, but at least it's not bland!

Rating (out of seven): * * * *

Duchy Originals - Organic Ale 5.0%

Taste: Robust, hoppy, metallic and bitter. Lady farmer brew. Stomach rumbling!

Appearance: Good looking.... Ruby brown with a halo for a head.

Would you buy two? If the pressure was on!

Would you buy four? Twist my arm and lock me in a shed!

Rating (out of seven): * * * *

Coopers Brewery - Original Pale Ale 4.5%

Taste: The taste of sweet nothing except a hint of penicillin and pencils. File away into the 'easily drinkable but unremarkable ales' category in the great big ale filing cabinet.

Appearance: Honey and rich with sediment.

Would you buy two? Not really sure I would actually. The taste of apathy.

Would you buy four? Nah.

Rating (out of seven): * * *3

Breconshire Brewery - Golden Valley 4.2%

Taste: Hint of carrot, very watery. Hoppy taste on the roof of your mouth. Despite it's watery qualities, it is quite unrefreshing. Something not quite right here.

Appearance: Pure amber. Imagine a prehistoric insect preserved in it.

Would you buy two? Maybe, just so a friend could try it.

Would you buy four? No. Time to move on.

Rating (out of seven): * * *

Badger - Poacher's Choice 5.7%

Taste: "Oh my lord! It's like a cheery tart!". A famous first line! This is a fruity, decadent, mallowy, creamy ale with hints of dandy lion and burdock. One hell of a taste!

Appearance: Guitar wood brown.

Would you buy two? Yesss! Decadence!

Would you buy four? Ooooh, too rich I'm imagining, like eating a whole tart!

Rating (out of seven): * * * * *

Wychwood Brewery - Hobgoblin 5.2%

Taste: Pleasant roasted taste, malthy with a hint of cigar. Packs a healthy punch, yet still lacks a certain magic. C'est la vie!

Appearance: Ruby and brown with a creamy foamy head.

Would you buy two? I don't want no pity, but possibly yes. Actually I would!

Would you buy four? Nope, but I'm not the best person to ask.

Rating (out of seven): * * * *

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Badger - Stinger 4.5%

Taste: So good. This ale tastes like a plant coated in a delicious brown caramel ale. Not over bearing but with plenty of taste tingling your tongue. Makes you feel real fine on the inside. A holy grail in a field of brown.

Appearance: The brown is a playful, summer haze. A satisfying head.

Would you buy two? It would be impossible not to!

Would you buy four? Yes, money well spent!

Rating (out of seven): * * * * * *

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wells - Waggledance 5%

Taste: Tingly and deliciously tangy. Hop n' Honey Aftertaste. A bit watery if i'm being critical, but nice and light for a 5%er.

Would you buy 2? Yes, It's all about the bees

Would you buy 4? Yes, and some for friends.

Appearance: Oranges and Honey-Faced

Rating: * * * * *

Meantime - London Pale Ale, Grenwich 4.3%

Taste: Malty, watery and too fizzy. This ale is to average to find something interesting to talk about.
Would you buy 2? When there are so many other ales???
Would you buy 4? Again, there is litterally no need.
Appearance: Pretty good lookin'. Oh Yeah...
Rating (Out of 7): * * *

Hogs Back Brewery - Old Tongham Tasty (OTT) 6%

Taste: Malt all over the place!!! Strong as hell, tasty as heaven. Perfect ale for christmas or February.

Would you buy 2? Yeah Yeah Yeah

Would you buy 4? If you want to lie down for a bit.

Appearance: Black as night or Dandelion and Burdock. Truly terrifying! 

Rating (out of 7): * * * * * * (Strong Complicated and Lovely)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Jennings - Yan T'Yan Tethera 3.8%

Taste: light, juicy yet ultimately a bit bland. Isotonic. If this ale was an item of clothing it would be a short sleeved checked summer shirt, soaking wet in boring old water. Cloth like.... but refreshing!

Appearance: Honey brown

Would you buy two? Yes, on a hot day!

Would you buy four? A little too dull to have four on the trot.

Rating: * * * *

St Austell Brewery - Tribute 4.2%

Taste: It's like taking the first bite into a juicy apple on a summer evening. Fruity Overtones which make this ale real fine! Not subtle though, it gives you a good smack around the chops!

Would you buy 2? Damn Right!

Would you buy 4? Yes, I could drink this until my spleen ruptures! Great stuff!

Appearance: A Golden sunset or the dawn of a new ale day. Evening apple orchard...

Rating:  5  * * * * *    (thank goodness!)

Batemans - Maypole Dancer 4.7 %

Taste: Plain and not very tasty. Some think it's spicey, however I did drink mine very fast. Maple Syrup undertones. There is a real fruity sweet taste to this brown.

Would you buy 2? Yes, that's all.

Would you buy 4? Probably not. Just wider than a no.

Appearance: Head is still notably there at the end. Looks like a liver damaged sample.

Rating (out of 7):    * * * *

Wadworth - 6X 4.3%

Taste: No Spicey Jazz. Coppery taste (or Brass?) but smooth. Very sulfurous.

Would you buy 2? No, no enjoyment.

Would you buy 4? How could I?

Appearance: Too Dark. Oaky. Too Dark.... Ergh. Conkery Amber Tones.

Rating (out of 7):  * * *

Young's - Bitter 3.7%

Taste: Like a standard ale. Bitter with good time smells. Hard to get too excited about. The same old story.

Would you buy 2? With a Pork, Apple & Stuffing bap, Yes!

Would you buy 4? Maybe if I wanted to keep it going... Yes, Good Day Ale.

Appearance: Bright Orange!

Rating (out of 7): * * *
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