Saturday, August 10, 2013

Liberation Ale - Liberation IPA 5.2%

Taste: Subtle. They boasted some serious NZ hops on the tasting notes. But I'm just getting tickled. Teased. It's a little hollow.

Appearance: yellow deciept. Sudsy.

Would you buy 2? We did.

Would you buy 4? No.

Rating (out of 7): 4****

Concrete Cow Brewery - Midsummer Ale 3.8%

Taste: Pine cone sap!!!! Fruity. Fun-time. It really is so sappy.

Appearance: Pale syrup.

Would you buy 2? We have,

Would you buy 4? Yep.

Rating (out of 7): 5*****

Beerd Brewery - Monterey 3.9%

Taste: liquid heaven. And without having to endure the stress of the M4 or the M32. Clean. Hoppy. Open. Honest. Wet.

Appearance: Brown.

Would you buy 2? We have.

Would you buy 4? Yes.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** the effects of drinking beer in a nice place to enjoyment factor is becoming apparent.


Dancing Duck - Ay Up 4.2%

Taste: smooth hoppy biscuit fest. Tastes Cornish. But it's not. Far from it. I'm riding high on this one. Summer's back!

Appearance: orange

Would you buy 2? We have

Would you buy 4? Yes!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Raw - Apollo 3.8%

Taste: Apollo hops! Delicious. First beer of the Bankes Arms beer festival. Citrus blast. Like a fruit shoot.

Appearance: yellow mist.

Would you buy 2? We have!

Would you buy 4? Yes!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gower Brewery - Best Bitter (4.5%)

Taste: Perfect Sunday ale. This is relaxation in ale form. Simply flows through your mouth in a delicious carefree manner. Flavour wise it's subtle malt and light lemons but hang on I'm too relaxed to think about flavours, and the ale has almost gone.

Appearance: Classic ale amber brown

Would you buy 2? Yep

Would you buy 4? Yep

Rating (out of 7): 6 * * * * * *. Not the most rock and roll, but unpretentious and delicious!