Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Felinfoel - Chwarae Gorau 3.8%

Taste: The superb location demanded a special ale, but I feel a little let down. Watery with a hint of aniseed and floral soap products. Malt loaf turned to liquid form successfully, and then, disappointedly, crudely diluted.

Appearance: Brown mahogany.

Would you buy two? Going to have to!

Would you buy four? Anything else on. Please.

Rating: * * *

Rhymeny Brewery - Bevan's Bitter 4.2%

Taste: Diluted leaf litter, which has at some point be burnt. Lacks direction and a fair amount of taste. A bit like Haverford West, where it was consumed. Like a 1 penny coin dipped in orange squash, there is potential, but who knows what for!

Appearance: Canal water.

Would you buy two? In restricted circumstances maybe.

Would you buy four? Nope.

Rating: * * * *

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