Monday, June 21, 2010

Brewdog - Paradox Springbank 10%

Taste: so warming. Bloody amazing! The whiskey / stout combo is really working

Appearance: coke

Would you buy 2? Yeah, but it's pretty pricey

Would you buy 4? Too strong to drink four!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Friday, June 4, 2010

Skinner's - Sunset Watering Hole 3.9%

Taste: skinners of Truro have done it again. The perfect beer to enjoy in the perfect county! Summer in a glass!

Appearance: too dark to tell.

Would you buy 2? Yes. And will

Would you buy 4? Of course. I'll go to the brewery and swim in it!

Rating (out of 7): ******6 awesome!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fullers - Seafarer's ale 3.6%

Taste: smooth, caramelly. Slips down smooth. Perfect summer ale. As much as you try to get away from calling it that, it IS smooth.

Appearance: top to a duracell battery. Only clear.

Would you buy 2? Have and would again.

Would you buy 4? Hmmm
Maybe. Maybe. As long
As there were no others on.

Rating (out of 7): *****

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fuller's - Bengal Lancer IPA

Taste: delicious with curry! Strong too, it turns out. Thought I was relaxed.

Appearance: orange like kate's eyes

Would you buy 2? For sure. It's a tasty number.

Would you buy 4? May be a little strong for that. Can't say it wouldn't be nice though.

Rating (out of 7): ***** a solid ale
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