Monday, November 29, 2010

Bath Ales - Festivity 5%

Taste: it's porter time! I'm liking it. Especially as we're due snow

Appearance: oil

Would you buy 2? Okay. I will.

Would you buy 4? Hmm, I'd have to be really dug in next to the fire at a pub to get four of these. I'd be full.

Rating (out of 7): ***** not bad at all
Location:Asda carpark

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jennings - Cumberland Ale 4.7%

Taste: At first it tasted like drinking from a stream. Now i've settled into the mellow flavour. It's smooth... Real smooth!

Appearance: bronze

Would you buy 2? Yes, yes I would.

Would you buy 4? Why not... Continued drinking could remain fun.

Rating (out of 7): **** It won't change your world. But it could take the edge off.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hogs Back Brewery - Tea 4.2%

Taste: skittle alley ball wood. Slighty sweaty but not unpleasant .

Appearance: pumpkin

Would you buy 2? Nnnnoooo

Would you buy 4? Can't see why.

Rating (out of 7): *** get in that drawer!

St. Peter's - IPA 5.5%

Taste: delicious. After that wet flannel of an ale I had last night this blows my mind. Strong and sweetly boozy.

Appearance: it's too dark in here to tell. But I'm guessing it's brown.

Would you buy 2? Certainly my friend. I recommend that you do the same.

Would you buy 4? 5.5??? Sounds scary.

Rating (out of 7): ***** dare I give it 6? No

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Williams - Black 4.2%

Taste: malty tease. Could do with some extra strength. Then again, I did know it was 4.2 when I bought it.

Appearance: there's no denying it's blackness.

Would you buy 2? Not interesting enough.

Would you buy 4? Good replacement for water. So if my taps broke and the shop had no bottled water and it wasn't raining, I'd buy four. For thirst.

Rating (out of 7): *** I'm drinking it, but my tongue is saying "so what!?"
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