Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Langton Brewery - Hop On 4.4%

Taste: Delicious. A smooth hoppy ale with an adventurous taste. Lost for words.

Appearance: Belgium in disguise.

Would you buy 2? Please!

Would you buy 4? Yes!!!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Meantime Brewing Co - Greenwich Hospital Porter 6%

Taste: Wooah! Packed with taste. There's a rusty, medicinal vibe (which is good) and a hit of whisky for sure. I'm licking a rain soaked peat bog and it's delicious.  The taste of  time travelling back to a time when porter cured all ills. I'm cured! A sensation when coupled with Catrin Planet's beetroot and chocolate cake.

Appearance: Black hole darkness. It may be sucking in gravity.  Majestically packaged.

Would you buy 2? To cure a friend.

Would you buy 4? To cure three friends. This makes you  a doctor, right?

Rating (out of 7): 6 * * * * * *. The taste of curse being lifted. Almost.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Celt - Cryf 5.2%

Taste: It sounds like looking into the future whilst looking into the past. A hoppy slap in the face.

Appearance: dehydrated.

Would you buy 2? Prfffff

Would you buy 4? Hmffff

Rating (out of 7): 4**** not bad

Vale of Glamorgan - Rourke's Drift (5%???)

Taste: fresh. It made the front of my tongue tingle. Enlightening. Metallic. Synthetic. Spacious. This is the ale equivalent of a modern penthouse flat. Oily mouthfeel. Hop Sap.

Appearance: epiphany in bronze.

Would you buy 2? Yes.

Would you buy 4? I'd buy two.

Rating (out of 7): 4****

Newtons Brewery - Celtic Spice 4.4%

Taste: oh god. I can taste it on the edge of my tongue. Quite sharp but light as well. Taste like hiding in the hop plantation. Breadlines. Hops on toast.

Appearance: why can't we see through it. The colour of hiking boots.

Would you buy 2? Done

Would you buy 4? Could be forced into it .

Rating (out of 7): 5. I'm into this.

Wye Valley Brewery - Dorothy Goodbody's Ruby Black 4.4%

Taste: a really good first ale of the day. Not too heavy, not too light. Dark and mild. Session ale.

Appearance: chestnut. Nostalgic erotica pump art.

Would you buy 2? Done

Would you buy 4? Others to try

Rating (out of 7): 5 a great starter ale

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