Sunday, August 16, 2015

Uprising - Treason West Coast IPA 6%

Taste: Another welcome gift. This is right up my alley. A powerfully hopped IPA. I could drink this exclusively. But it's a floozy at 6% so I won't. Lovely beer.

Appearance: Orange I think. But it's dark in here.

Would you buy 2? Yes

Would you buy 4? Yup!

Rating (out of 7): 6****** relentlessly good beers

Uprising Brewery - White Riot 5.3%

Taste: It's a good reason to come out of retirement when this pops through your letterbox! A concerning list of qualities when written down, but this is a masterpiece! I'm no longer stressed about the use of orange zest. In fact I'm going to grate some into each of my future beers. Awesome, bold brewing!

Appearance: frosty yellow. Temporary bottle.

Would you buy 2? Yes.

Would you buy 4? Definitely!

Rating (out of 7): 6****** keep them coming!


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