Tuesday, August 12, 2008

St Austell Brewery - Tribute 4.2%

Taste: Smooth, no edges here. A slight taste of orange squash. Lacks anything too dynamic, but a slight hint of berries is pretty good. Refreshing.

Appearance: The golden sun temple of the aztecs in liquid form.

Would you buy 2? Yes, refreshing but standard.

Would you buy 4? There's a whole bunch of ale similar to this in the world and not enough time to sample them all, so no, let's move on.

Rating: * * * *

1 comment:

Alfie Bendall said...

I am a big fan of this ale. It puts a thirst in your mouth after your first gulp, the sweet after taste is very moorish. The hope this beer doesn't become too commercial. Its nice to see it as a treat when you pop in to a boozer