Sunday, May 30, 2010

Young's - London Gold 4.0%

Taste: Melony. Watery. Saturating. Like a soapy cucumber.

Appearance: golden brown stain

Would you buy 2? It's not for me to say.

Would you buy 4? No. But I know a few butterflies down at kew that would love to!

Rating (out of 7): *** file it under 3 with all the other unoffencive ales.

Jennings - Sneck Lifter 5.1%

Taste: coffee quality street at Xmas... Burnt toffee. It's what ale should be, interesting and
In your face. Powdery molasses.

Appearance: coca cola.

Would you buy 2? Of course!

Would you buy 4? Bit thick. On a winters day, by a fire. Defo!

Rating (out of 7): ******6 a bit like tia maria and Guinness!

Check out another Sneck Lifter review here.

Adnams - Explorer 4.3%

Taste: watery, hint of pineapple and tin foil. Plane tree tickles. Orangy.

Appearance: transparent.

Would you buy 2? We just bought 4

Would you buy 4? Ummmm

Rating (out of 7): **** split the vote

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bowman's - Elderado 3.5%

Taste: fruit festival. Controls the action at a push of a button

Appearance: transformer man

Would you buy 2? Course!!!!

Would you buy 4? With the right kind Of associates, why not.

Rating (out of 7): ***** underrated, but some of his best work. (this may actually be a review for the neil young album; trans.)

Phoenix Brewery - White tornado 4.3%

Taste: would you believe. Another 9er. Tastes strong. Pencil on the tongue.

Appearance: angelic

Would you buy 2? Much of the same.. Nit now

Would you buy 4? Not ever!

Rating (out of 7):*** tired of you

St George's - Friar Tuck 4%

Taste: bit watery, good for a hot day, but too subtle by far

Appearance: gone

Would you buy 2? After a marathon

Would you buy 4? Nahhh

Rating (out of 7): *** a bit boring

Hammerpot - HPA 4.2%

Taste: another 9 volt. But I
Like the shock! Refreshing. Cooling. Cooing.

Appearance: clear with effervesant lingering bubbles. Which have now gone

Would you buy 2? I'm at an ale
Festival you fool!

Would you buy 4? Not today

Rating (out of 7): **** solid

Milton - Pegasus 4.1%

Taste: mule flower taste. With a distinct rubber follow-through

Appearance: nutty

Would you buy 2? Yes in normal

Would you buy 4? Not at an ale fest!

Rating (out of 7): ****

Holts - Two Hoots 4.1%

Taste: smells like grass. Tastes like marzipan. If ale was to be made into a squash for kids, it would taste like this!

Appearance: um satisfactory gold

Would you buy 2? Maybe.... Nooo

Would you buy 4? *shakes head

Rating (out of 7): *** bit bland

Wolf Brewery - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing 3.7%

Taste: burnt hops. Mellow! Like caressing mahogany.

Appearance: mahogany

Would you buy 2? Yeah, in a heartbeat

Would you buy 4? With a roast, yes

Rating (out of 7): ***** food for thought

Otley Brewing Company - O3 BOSS 4.4%

Taste: grapefruit / silage. A suprisingly good mix

Appearance: brown leather

Would you buy 2? In an unusual mood, yes

Would you buy 4? Not impossible. But not likely

Rating (out of 7): **** a good 4

Mile Stone - Shine On 4%

Taste: smells like scotch egg. But I'm hungry so I'm cool with that. Tastes great. Sharp.

Appearance: harvest moon

Would you buy 2? If I was hungry

Would you buy 4? Not today

Rating (out of 7): **** eggy

Howard Town - Longendale Light 3.9%

Taste:likened to a bumble bee's flight. Delicious!

Appearance: a shade darker than iron bru

Would you buy 2? Possibly but I fancy trying another

Would you buy 4? Never!!!

Rating (out of 7): **** likeable

Blindman's Brewery - Beer Goggles 3.8%

Taste: goes well with free crayfish. Bit horsey.

Appearance: like a tungsten lit brick wall

Would you buy 2? Yea. But not for myself.

Would you buy 4? No

Rating (out of 7): **** just

Copper Dragon Brewery - Freddie Trueman 4%

Taste: goes well with goats cheese. Sweet after taste. Then a bready finish

Appearance: copper as the name

Would you buy 2? Yeah. But not today!

Would you buy 4? On a summers morn

Rating (out of 7): 5***** a taste I'd come back for. Maybe even drive 20 miles for.

Hook norton brewery - hooky gold 4.2%

Taste: it has that unmistakeable 9 volt aftertaste. Tastes stronger than it is. Am I being decieved?

Appearance: flat yellow. The mind plays tricks.

Would you buy 2? I'd drink two... Drink...

Would you buy 4? No, for fear of being messed up the next day by overdosing on battery

Rating (out of 7): **** interesting

Natural Brewing Co. - Premium Ale 4.3%

Taste: very flaoursome. A good yeasty vibe.

Appearance: copper dream

Would you buy 2? Definatly

Would you buy 4? I think I would.

Rating (out of 7): ***** perfect for breaking an ale drought

Friday, May 28, 2010

Badger - Dandelion Organic 4.5%

Taste: tastes like sweet hay. Like munching on a field of sugargrass. Pretty plesant for an equine.

Appearance: gold bullion

Would you buy 2? Barring any unforseen circumstance, yes!

Would you buy 4? It's such an easy ride, it'd be quite plesant to let 4 of these slip down.

Rating (out of 7): *****

BrewDog - Punk IPA 6%

Taste: a smooth ride with a dry after taste. Tastes awesome with curry. Nice and strong too.

Appearance: like a ride on the yellow train. Don't let that put you off.

Would you buy 2? Uh huh! Wish I did too.

Would you buy 4? Yeah! But that would be my limit.

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Location:Sw4 London

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Adnams - Dry Irish Stout 4.3%

Taste: blood! But like a vampire, it's doing me a world of good!

Appearance: bovril

Would you buy 2? If it was Sunday. Buy I am just about to go and see a rock and roll concert!

Would you buy 4? Not really. Too tangy.

Rating (out of 7): ***

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