Thursday, March 3, 2011

Timothy Talyor - Landord 4.3%

Taste: yeah, it's really nice. The best ale we've had here. But it's not grabbing me by the bollards. Smells like 'playing it safe', the easy setting on Streets Of Rage. However, there's a lot to be said about driving down the middle of the road.. Can millions of brown drinkers be wrong?.... Whoa!!! Controversial.... This has turned into quite the debate. It's a well known "session" beer. My question to you is this; are drinkers that love session beers afraid??? Afraid of what's out there? Take a risk for goodness sake!!! Oh, it tastes like a slice of your stereotypical brown.

Appearance: Rusty water peppered with copper coins.

Would you buy 2? Yes, of course! But that's the problem isn't it?!

Would you buy 4? Christ! Maybe? I guess I would. What does that mean? It's an ale paradox.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** the debate rages on...
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