Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hepworth & Co Brewers - Iron Horse 4.8%

Taste: It's never good when your beer explodes on opening. But whilst trying to stem the flow of spouting foam with my mouth whilst mopping up the spillage, I caught a taste and scent of autumn leaves. Oak leaves particularly. But let's not dwell on such things. Getting down to the taste proper, i have a nice and malty, strong English ale. Biscuity too with some hops to see me off on my journey.

Appearance: I can't lie. The Iron horse name drew me to this ale. Finding out that it wasn't a robotic horse, but a steam locomotive dampened spirits some what.

Would you buy 2? Yes, i'd have two.

Would you buy 4? I could drink four!

Rating (out of 7): 5***** it's delicious! It's a welcome reminder of how classic ales can still be tasty.
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