Saturday, October 20, 2012

Moorhouse's - Pendle Witches Brew 5.1%

Taste: Liquid toffee. American candy. It's soooo sweet. It's like chewing sugar cubes. Christ, it's like a pudding, liquid pudding.

Appearance: Thick golden treacle with a light sprinkling of rusty nails and burnt pennies. There's a nice witch on the label... I wonder where she's flying off to?

Would you buy 2? Absolutely no way. It's too sweet and sticky.

Would you buy 4? Merlin's beard! Are you drinking drugs? No. You'd swell up like a big Sunday pudding and burst.

Rating (out of 7): 2** Too sweet and too gloopy. This is a real mission to finish actually. It's just not what I want from a Halloween based ale.

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