Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arkell's - Moonlight 4.5%

Taste: A little fruity. Subtle. This is making a fine partner to some salty snacks. On it's own... a warming taste that's not startling but it makes it very drinkable. Pleasant, but hang on, is it beginning to get a bit bland?

Appearance: Wartime imagery makes me wonder does war and ale really mix? The ale is surely the colour of fox fur.

Would you buy 2? For a relaxing, not too strenuous time.

Would you buy 4? I'd be  asleep.

Rating (out of 7): 4 * * * *. Pleasant enough. But one man's pleasant is another's  adequate.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Robinson's - Hoptimus Prime 4.1%

Taste: Delicious. Like buttered hops on toast. Compatible to a draught Betty Stoggs or a nice pint of Butty Bach (only from the Three Tuns pub in Hay on Wye). We're discussing how many we should drink. A good sign. Drinking it too quickly is a trouble.

Appearance: Transformers based. That appeals to my youth. Beer looks incredible.

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? Of course!!! Maybe more.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** amazing!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Titanic Brewery - Nine Tenths Below 5.9%

Taste: This one smells great. Although the first sip was a bit of a blow. It's very hoppy, coppery and dry. It tastes like a headache in the making. It's sweetly boozy too, which is nice.

Appearance: The name makes reference to the underwater mass of an iceberg. The very same that sent a thousand souls to the dark depths of the ocean. Beer is golden.

Would you buy 2? I think I could take two.

Would you buy 4? Maybe not. It's pleasurable, mind.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** the best I've had from Titanic yet. Weighing in way above the plimsole line.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Breci Bragdi - Pleserau Palod 2009 Vintage 4-8%

Taste: smells like jam. Ergh!!!! I never want another sip.

Appearance: looks great! After all these years. Great puffin info on the bottle.

Would you buy 2? No!

Would you buy 4? Foul!

Rating (out of 7): 0* horrible

HOC Breweries - HOC Ale 2008 Vintage - ABV UNKNOWN

Taste: hardboiled sweet. Cherry flavour. No! It tastes exactly like a foxes glacier mint. Like reaching for a new world, only to be let down.

Appearance: it looks magnificent! Ale from times gone by. Truly impressive.

Would you buy 2? Unlikely.

Would you buy 4? ??????

Rating (out of 7): I feel like an Aztec shot down by Cortez 1*

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Ordnance City - Festival 4.7%

Taste: Very malty. Sweet, thick and delicious. Veggiemite has been mentioned. I overheard another table describe it as marmite.

Appearance: Pint of Coke.

Would you buy 2? We did.

Would you buy 4? Not today. But I would.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** very drinkable.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Itchen Valley Brewery Ltd - Fagins 4.1%

Taste: This is pretty interesting. There's a quick turnaround in taste; from malt, to a dry hop to a two pence piece. I think it would be great if it weren't this gassy. Draft's the way I reckon.

Appearance: Missing apostrophe from the name. Fagin is looks well rendered. Nasty piece of work. Beer's a nice colour, but there is an alarming amount of bubbles.

Would you buy 2? I would try one in a pub.

Would you buy 4? It could happen.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** that's all you're getting from me, Mr. Fagan.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Batch - Batch Eighteen Pale Ale 5%

Taste: You get a powerful Sherbert flavour. Nice and hoppy without being overly bitter. A little fruity. I like it!

Appearance: Transparent gold. Confusing label.

Would you buy 2? I'd like to!

Would you buy 4? Definitely!

Rating (out of 7): 6****** I'm giving it a six!
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