Friday, July 18, 2008

Atlas Brewery - Nimbus 5.0%

Taste: The cadbury's caramel bunny lives on, within this golden, rich pint of ale. But I won't succumb to her dulcet tones as one of these ales is enough for any man. You may want to have one after dinner instead of a whole treacle tart... I'd say "Lets all enjoy a cadbury's ale!".

Would you buy 2? No, couldn't buy 2, too rich and caramaccy.

Would you buy 4? Only sugar junkies could buy 4... plenty more ales in the sea.

Appearance: Thick creamy head. Most likely to be made of whipped sugar and a thick golden brown ale, a result of having the cadbury's bunny actually inside it.

Rating (out of 7): * * * *4
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