Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jennings - Cocker Hoop 4.2%

Taste: shortbready! Nice aftertaste. A bit bitter for a golden, but my shortbready palette can't be trusted. / (2nd opinion: Sunshine glow. This slips down in an easy, sleepy way. Slumber ale! Aaaaargh! Wasp in ale! Luckily this ale removes edges in an instant.... Yet i yearn for something more. Maybe i should drink the wasp?!)

Appearance: it is golden! / (2nd Opinion: Rusty dreams.)

Would you buy 2? The deed is done. / (2nd Opinion: To subdue a riot,  this ale would be perfect.)

Would you buy 4? I would. Probably. (2nd Opinion: Would you still be awake?)

Rating (out of 7): 4**** it's fine / (2nd Opinion: 4****)

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