Sunday, May 27, 2012

Black Sheep Brewery - Golden Sheep 4.7%

Taste: golden in colour and slippery to the touch. What am I? Black Sheep Golden Ale. It's boiling hot so I might enjoy this chilled down a degree or too. It's sweet and delicious though.

Appearance: golden!!!

Would you buy 2? Probably.

Would you buy 4? I'm not sure there's enough here to hold my attention.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** not bad!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Windsor & Eton Brewery - Windsor Knot 4.5%

Taste: Tropical fruit - citrus and mango vibes. This is good.But there's more - fern and pencil charcoal fizz. Musty orange rinds - in a very drinkable way. A fragrant wax tickles the tongue. An adventure, yet refreshing!

Appearance: A rare pink caramel.

Would you buy 2? Oh yes.

Would you buy 4? I would to make sure they didn't run out.

Rating (out of 7): 6******. Interesting and very drinkable - what more could you want?
Reviewed by T. Wort. Bsc. Msc.

Click here to visit Windsor & Eton's website. Delicious!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Arbor Ales - Citra IPA 6.5%

Taste:  Woooahh! There's strength! A warm hazy taste, almost like a memory of a lovely childhood ale shandy that made you feel drunk. It's fruity and ginny. Fruity like green fruit gums and ginny like several shots of mother's ruin. Hang on, it's turning into a hard harndshake, rather than the warm hug of the first 1/4 of pint.

Appearance:  Wicker yellow. Chop. Chop. Chop.

Would you buy 2?  They could knock you sideways.

Would you buy 4?  They could knock you over.

Rating (out of 7):  5 * * * * *. Flavoursome, yet strong. A little too biased towards the strong and not the flavour? Mmmmmm.

Bryncelyn - Peggy's Brew 4.2%

Taste:  Smoked ham, yet a touch watery - but in a refreshing way. A cold metal spoon on the tongue. There's a faint sulphurous throat property. This is a summer ale.

Appearance:  An energetic orangey yellow. Pleasant to behold.

Would you buy 2?  If the sun was hot.

Would you buy 4?  If the sun was very very hot.

Rating (out of 7):  4* * * *. Good, but could it be better? Well yes.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Marston's - Single Hop Sovereign 4%

Taste: worrying first smell, but that turns to petals and Turkish delight once it's in your mouth. It's a fruity curtain to a not undelicious ale.

Appearance: lager top. Prince bottle.

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? Hmmm I might!

Rating (out of 7): 4**** quite delicious for Marston's

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Daleside - Morocco Ale 5.5%

Taste: Sherbert Scents. Welcome to the Jungle! Playground safety bark and scraped knees. Gingerbread army.... Don't hurt me!!! We all feel threatened. But we like it. Panda pop tongue float, like a hover craft. Shoe polish. Porter style, though. Two-Stroke.

Appearance: Marmalade eyes. Panda cola. Defrosted Mr. Freeze. Exotic bottle, goat based ale has rich potential. Bad for the illiterate.

Would you buy 2? We split one, eight ways. Yes.

Would you buy 4? definitely. Xxx

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Averaging out over 10 reviewers! Nice!

Free samples available at Ham House in Richmond! Come and get it, boys and girls!

Location:Halfway, Powys

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Windsor & Eton Brewery - Tree Tops 4.8%

Taste: Wow! That's nice! I'm drinking this post-stew and there's a toasted flavour to this stout. There's Vanilla too. The flavour is deep! This is great stuff.... I've just read that it is a classic stout brewed with some traditional African ingredients to celebrate the commonwealth and brewing in that region. Interesting, I've never seen an ingredients list so long on a beer... Yams!!! There's something in here that reminds me of nettle beer for some reason.

Appearance: Very dark stout, not much head. it looks like the smooth serfice of a magic-eight ball. Small 330ml bottle looks good. Nice info on bottle.

Would you buy 2? I'd jump at the chance!

Would you buy 4? Yes please, I hope this becomes a mainstay at Windsor & Eton.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** Really impressive modern brewing, up with the most interesting stouts I've tried.
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