Saturday, September 22, 2012

Oxfordshire Ales - Marshmellow 4.7%

Taste: Sweet shop raisin. Tastes a bit off. Off milk.

Appearance: muddy brown.

Would you buy 2? I did. Regrets.

Would you buy 4? No thanks.

Rating (out of 7): 2** it was a skunky pint!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Thwaites - Triple C 4.4%

Taste: Thwaites' attempt at 'hopping' on the bandwagon of strongly hopped beers. The naughty sounding 'Triple C' here standing for a triple dose of cascade hops. My problem is that it tastes like a normal bitter with half of a strong hopped ale swirled into it (After the first few sips). Although, it is a blonde. It tastes pretty nice, and it's refreshing. But I'd have liked them to put away the biscuit jar and app more hops. (?)

Appearance: Golden Compass. Restrained bottle.

Would you buy 2? I think I could! ... I would!

Would you buy 4? I'd 'consume' four. I'd not like to be the one buying.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** I've warmed to it. Very nearly a five.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lymestone Brewery - Ein Stein (5%)

Taste: A vinegary start, developing into a fruity delight (ish). But a bit tasteless, especially after curry.

Appearance: Brown through and through.

Would you buy 2?  Ummm, yes

Would you buy 4? No, probably not.

Rating (out of 7): 4 * * * *

Ossett Brewery - Treacle Stout (5%)

Taste: (This is a multi person review) "I'm going to give this a miss as I'm unwell" ... "Errrrmmmmmm"... "Quite thick with an interesting aftertaste - gravy" .... "Bisto flavoured and gloopy" ... "Not sure where the treacle is but there's certainly some sort of ash."

Appearance: Quite tarry I'd say.

Would you buy 2? I would not.

Would you buy 4? I'd regret it.

Rating (out of 7): * * * It took a long time to consume this ale - not a good sign, but it was still consumed.

Thanks to Hanna and Martin who are making their ale review debuts.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bristol United Brewery - Collaboration 2012 Smoked Porter (6%)

Taste: This is heavyweight. Perfect for a party by a log fire in a castle (which I'm not at). Strong, smokey, woody and edgey (it won't smooth away the edges of a tough day) and not for the faint hearted. A big bloody ham of a drink. Luckily I like a challenge.

Appearance:  a handsome super dark brown. I'm enjoying the label - it's to the point.

Would you buy 2? For a friend to try.

Would you buy 4? For myself? No. For three friends to try? Yes

Rating (out of 7): 5 * * * * * (It has whacked me around the head)

Breconshire Brewery - Ramblers Ruin (5%)

Taste: Satisfyingly uncomplicated. Tastes traditional and trustworthy - in fact I'm instantly relaxed and I'm being transported away from Cardiff to a rain soaked wooded valley. There's a  slight taste of burnt embers  which gives a happy bitterness. I could drink this all day...

Appearance: I'm hoping not to turn into the man on the label. The ale changes colour in photos mysteriously.

Would you buy 2? No doubt.

Would you buy 4? In the right place at the right time? For sure.

Rating (out of 7): 6 * * * * * * Some may not agree (too simple?!) but I've really enjoyed this ale.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hepworth & Co Brewers - Classic Old Ale 4.8%

Taste: Winter's coming with this Ale. I've turned the heat on... Pretty nice, there's a sweetness and a hoppy finale. Then you're left with a toasted biscuit and malt melee. I can imagine that this would be heaven from a keg.

Appearance: Coke. Identical. Understated bottle.

Would you buy 2? Probably.

Would you buy 4? On Christmas eve.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** great!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breconshire Brewery - Red Dragon 4.7%

Taste: There's a taste of malty biscuits. It tastes like it's from a time gone by (in a good way).  It has a over ripe fruit vibe and a slight burnt taste.

Appearance: Brown horse coloured ale. The dragon on the label is fearsome for sure.

Would you buy 2? On a wintery day? Yes.

Would you buy 4? On a wintery day with a plate of fine cheese? Yes please.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * * 5 stars. It's got character and slips down easily.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Banks Park Brewery - Sunbeam 4.2%

Taste: Nice! Sulphurous! So eggy. Like a stroll around Rotorua (I've got no words)...


Would you buy 2?

Would you buy 4?

Rating (out of 7): 5*****

Ringwood Brewery - Three Sheets 3.9%

Taste: Probably the tastiest Ringwood ale I've had. Bold statement. Refreshing citrus. I'm edge less. It's sinks easily,

Appearance: Bedpan copper,

Would you buy 2? It happened.

Would you buy 4? Why not?

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hepworth & Co Brewers - Pullman 4.2%

Taste: It has a nice smell on it. Nice smooth taste too. I trust Hepworth. Nothing too fancy, but it's done very well. A nice well rounded railway based bitter.

Appearance: Railways of the United Kingdom. Ale is that of a rusty third rail. Don't touch!

Would you buy 2? Yes I would.

Would you buy 4? I could drink four. Pub!!!

Rating (out of 7): 5***** just nice and wholesome.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hepworth & Co Brewers - Iron Horse 4.8%

Taste: It's never good when your beer explodes on opening. But whilst trying to stem the flow of spouting foam with my mouth whilst mopping up the spillage, I caught a taste and scent of autumn leaves. Oak leaves particularly. But let's not dwell on such things. Getting down to the taste proper, i have a nice and malty, strong English ale. Biscuity too with some hops to see me off on my journey.

Appearance: I can't lie. The Iron horse name drew me to this ale. Finding out that it wasn't a robotic horse, but a steam locomotive dampened spirits some what.

Would you buy 2? Yes, i'd have two.

Would you buy 4? I could drink four!

Rating (out of 7): 5***** it's delicious! It's a welcome reminder of how classic ales can still be tasty.

Hog's Back Brewery - Rip Snorter 5%

Taste: It smelled like white wine when it was pouring. I like that in a beer. That's very nice, a malty, classic pleasure ale. Bringing back memories of long Sunday's in a lovely English pub.

Appearance: Red Brown. Port Kiss.

Would you buy 2? I would. Keep it flowing please.

Would you buy 4? It definitely an ale you could sit on for an evening. Yes.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Great work from a brewery named after a road.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Saltaire Brewery - Hazelnut Coffee Porter 4.6%

Taste: Supermarket Tiramisu. This could do with being a bolder. Thicker and stronger. A speciality porter should be a bit more fun I think. It is very malty, which is nice.

Appearance: Nut brown.

Would you buy 2? I don't think I would. Although, i'd be tempted by a cask version.

Would you buy 4? Not for me.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** it's interesting. But lacks bravery.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Arundel - Sussex Gold 4.2%

Taste: Immediately, copped pipes and all sorts of brackets spring to mind. It tastes like someone dropped their coinage into the mash tun. Not entirely unpleasant, however. The taste is lifted quite a lot by a salty snack. Brewed, perhaps for those beer jockeys, slumped at the pump, piling up their coins?

Appearance: Copper.

Would you buy 2? I might buy two. I don't see why not?! It's quite pleasant.

Would you buy 4? If the draft version was less coppery, then I might consider it.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** in its current earthly form, how could I possibly award it four?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saltaire Brewery - Cascade Pale Ale 4.8%

Taste: Phew. That's pretty nice. Cascade to the rescue. Like a stroll through the pine forests at the foothills of the Brecon Beacons. It's damp and historical. But it's easy to get lost and be shot by a big eared grouse hunter.

Appearance: Amber Teddy eyes.

Would you buy 2? I'd be able to sink two.

Would you buy 4? Again. I'd take them on I'd they we're purchased for me.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** it's nice.

Williams Bros. Brewing Co. - Joker IPA 5%

Taste: Carbonation's high in this one. Also, not as hoppy as the label makes out. It's mostly biscuity... But it's very welcome. A nice easy drinker. Doesn't taste like its 5%. Which is good in some ways.

Appearance: Fizzy Iron Bru.

Would you buy 2? Yes!!!

Would you buy 4? I could drink four. Wouldn't want to pay for them though.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** almost a five. Perhaps if it wasn't for the harlequin on the bottle.
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