Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mikkeller - Stateside IPA 6.9%

Taste: Absolutely delicious. It's so hoppy (chinook, cascade & amarillo) it makes me feel good inside. I think that Mikkeller might be ale wizards.

Appearance: Honey ale. Stripey bottle.

Would you buy 2? I'd buy 50.

Would you buy 4? I'd buy 50.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** very delicious

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Magic Hat - #9 (not quite pale ale) 5.1%

Taste: Ooh! Tastes like peach! It has the hamburger sweets from the 80's taste (in Spain). Quite fruity but not devoid of lovely enjoyment and pleasure.

Appearance: Pink-Brown

Would you buy 2? No thanks

Would you buy 4? Am I drunk? Maybe!

Rating (out of 7): 4****

Celt Experience - Danish Monster 6.2%

Taste: Whoa. Slow build up of bitter, bitter lemon peel. Quite exciting. But it's a bit like they didn't wash the fruit. Pesticides.

Appearance: miscellaneous brown.

Would you buy 2? I would out of interest.

Would you buy 4? I don't think so. Too much like someone's spilt Limoncello in my drink.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** should be a six for wizardry and effort.

Sly Fox - IPA 7%

Taste: Frosty. Biscuity (almost dog-biscuity) with a grapefruit blast. It's dry. Arid, like a desert.

Appearance: rust. Nice can again. Not as nice as the Phoenix Pale.

Would you buy 2? Yes

Would you buy 4? No

Rating (out of 7): 5*****

Sly Fox - Phoenix Pale Ale 5.1%

Taste: Head like a light mouse. It's hoppy with a bitter aftertaste. You couldn't ask for anything more refreshing. Lovely stuff.

Appearance: Awesome can and artwork. Beer is amber.

Would you buy 2? I have.

Would you buy 4? Yes!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Wild Beer Co. - Madness IPA 6.8%

Taste: This is very delicious! Wildly hopped. Right up my street. Tastes like it's been flown strait over from the US, but it's just been driven to Cardiff from Somerset (possibly through Bath).

Appearance: Ice cream head. Light, delicious looking beer.

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? Oh my! yes!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Brains - Le Peloton 4%

Taste: Delicious. Hops. Lemon. Bread and butter pudding. It's all there! Brains are getting interesting!

Appearance: Cycling based. Lemon yellow ale.

Would you buy 2? Yes please!

Would you buy 4? Of course!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Itchen Valley Brewery - Godfathers 3.8%

Taste: delicious. Laced with tasty hops. A slight nostalgic homebrew twang. Lovely stuff.

Appearance: Amber. Nice bottle design.

Would you buy 2? I did.

Would you buy 4? I wouldn't have a problem with this.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** refreshing. My vitality is boosted.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fallen Angel - Black Death 5.3%

Taste: Absolutely foul. There's a nice (very hot chilli afterburn), but the first taste you get is vinegar and the inside of the cap. Leading me to believe that it's off. No brewery would put that on sale if they tasted it.

Appearance: cloudy, terrible coke.

Would you buy 2? If I was told it was off and should try again.

Would you buy 4? No.

Rating (out of 7): in it's current, earthly form... 1*

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Slater's - Queen Bee 4.2%

Taste: Stings the lips like the bee's still in it. It's not the most exciting beer, but it is delicious and refreshing. But the satisfaction level is not there in the interest stakes.

Appearance: honey brown.

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? I'd take four of these over a lot of other beers I could mention.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** a nice drop

Friday, July 12, 2013

Old Dairy Brewery - Red Top 3.8%

Taste: oh my. Sour like its off. There was rust on the inside of the cap.... But it's in date, so I assume they want it drunk this way. Fausty banana skins and plant stems. I can't see why you would drink this? ....As a punishment?

Appearance: it's got cows on it. Tan brogues.

Would you buy 2? No. I should have known the cow puns meant trouble.

Would you buy 4? No.

Rating (out of 7): I can't drink this. 1*

Lancaster Brewery - Lemon Grass 4%

Taste: Oh, that's good. Citrus blast with some straw and hop vines. It's very refreshing. Grapefruit Coda.

Appearance: straw Yellow

Would you buy 2? We have!

Would you buy 4? Defo!

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wold Top Brewery - Against The Grain 4.5%

Taste: Lager-Ale! Quite welcome today. Very refreshing. Metallic and fruity.

Appearance: Lager Yellow

Would you buy 2? I would!

Would you buy 4? If I was in a lagery mood.

Rating (out of 7): 4****

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

RCH Brewery - Firebox 6%

Taste: It tastes like not much. But it's strong. It tastes like its doing me wrong. Some sweet toffee flavours in there somewhere. I'll score this after I've finished it.

Appearance: red panda

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? Maybe too strong for one sitting.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** not without tasty bits

Williams Bros. Brewing Co. - Harvest Sun 3.9%

Taste: Sharp and hoppy. It's so watery. Very refreshing, mind.... My god, the beer's just been trumped by Tom Hanks' Irish accent in Cloud Atlas.... Quite incredible!

Appearance: Wickerman Label. Golden Beer.

Would you buy 2? Yes. I believe so.

Would you buy 4? Depends if I was forced to watch cloud atlas.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** not bad

Elmtree Beers - Nightlight Mild 5.7%

Taste: this is an interesting one. Boozy, with liquorice and some fruity hop flavours. It has a sinister sting though. Nettles?

Appearance: Dark as night. There's a ring of foam which looks like an eclipsed sun.

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? I would.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** ooooooh a nice pint o' mild!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Blue Monkey Brewery - Big Blue 6.8%

Taste: Big pacific hop fest! Very strong with a yeasty backbone. Nice stuff. A slow drinker.

Appearance: Copper. Surf Label.

Would you buy 2? I would.

Would you buy 4? I'd accept 4.

Rating (out of 7): 5*****

Sadlers - Hop Bomb 5%

Taste: A light beer. The hops aren't that overpowering (the label makes it look like you'd shrivel up with one sip) but they taste great. You're getting some of the big three citrus contenders, (Grapefruit, Lemon and Lime). A lingering aftertaste of asparagus for some reason? Maybe I'm pregnant. That's a thing, right?

Appearance: very yellow. Carbonated. Trendy label... Do I smell lager?

Would you buy 2? Yes please!

Would you buy 4? Certainly.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** lovely stuff!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Banks - Bitter 3.8%

Taste: Simple and inoffensive. Good for hot day refreshment, but lack of deep flavours could prove it's downfall when winter comes. Standard ale, but by no means terrible.

Appearance: Aztec gold. Label is unobtrusive.

Would you buy 2? It just kind of blends ins, so you might miss it. But on a hot day, why not?

Would you buy 4? On a regular day? Never

Rating (out of 7): * * * * Standard hot day ale.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Lymestone Brewery Ltd - Stone Dead 6.66%

Taste: This is an interesting one. Burnt / smokey smack followed by a bitter fruit twang. Very musical.

Appearance: jet black. Great horror based label.

Would you buy 2? I'd love to.

Would you buy 4? I'd buy them. But drink them on separate days.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** almost a six
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