Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wye Valley Brewery - Ark Ale 4.5%

Taste: Quality street coffee cream stuffed inside a well used smoking pipe. A Tunnocks Wafer made of hops. Initially burst of taste and then it lingers like a pleasurable cough sweet.

Appearance: Mustard woolly jumper

Would you buy 2? At first I thought no, but then yes, and then maybe no

Would you buy 4? A strangely interesting one. Might need 4 to figure if it's good or bad.

Rating (out of 7): * * * *4


Anonymous said...

This ale gives 5 p to charity for every bottle! Well worth the 4 stars!

Darren said...

Charity ales can only be a good thing...

Wye Valley - Butty Bach is one of the most delicious ales in the UK... It's yet to be reviewed.... who will be the first?!??