Wednesday, November 7, 2012

McEwan's - Champion Ale (7.3%)

Taste: I don't know about you, but I've often seen this ale lurking on supermarket shelves, but have never picked it up. Maybe it's because of it's boasts of being a Champion ale and Number 1 (where's the proof?). Or maybe it's because of the 7.3% - an ale this strong could he hiding something. Anyway, here we go... Rich and sweetly strong like a fearsome christmas pudding. In fact it's harshly strong and lacking a certain something taste wise. But it warms you up.

Appearance: Dark like a dog's pupil.

Would you buy 2? Need a stiff ale after a day in the snow covered mountains? Might be an idea if there's two of you and you're wearing holey tweed.

Would you buy 4? No never.

Rating (out of 7): 3 * * *  (I'm going off of it)


Dan said...

I had pretty much an identical attitude towards this 'Champion' ale... Seen it loads but never bothered with it (

melthair said...

I added Lovely Brew to friends of Melthair... This is a deceitful ale... Champion?!?! No.1?!?! What? It's almost like they've made up their own award ceremony! Imagine that!

Melthair said...

On another note... I'd love to wrap my ears around that Vinyl!

Terry Collmann said...

"Harshly strong"? Wimp