Taste: The last in Windsor's Commonwealth-based beer series (which have all been futuristic, delicious brews). I previously sampled this at Wandsworth Ale Festival last week, but it was outdoors and 1 Degrees C that night, so I probably didn't get the best of what's on offer..... First gulp is incredible. There are few breweries that can get this kind of flavour in a bottled beer. I'm enjoying the quite unique taste of a lot of malt and a lot of hops at the same time. Quite unusual for such a dark beer. Also quite rare to get such a strongly flavoured beer at only four percent. More please!
Appearance: Nut Brown. A Canadian label of which Neil Young himself would approve.
Would you buy 2? I'd like to. Very much.
Would you buy 4? I could drink this all night (And day).
Rating (out of 7): 6****** also a six in bottled form. Good continuity.