Friday, March 23, 2012

William Bros - Grozet (5%)

Taste: Gooseberries! Limes! This is a zesty ale. Feels a little creamy as well. It startles you on first gulp and then you settle in and it slips down like an oblong down a slide. It's thought provoking yet comfortable. Bit hammy, bit yeasty, and kind of chalky as well. Interesting - and I am liking this kind of interesting.

Appearance: The yellow is a little alarming but then it appears it's a caramel yellow which is exactly the same as a wooden folk harp.

Would you buy 2? Yes.

Would you buy 4? 4 would be refreshing and rewarding.

Rating (out of 7): 6 * * * * * * Gooseberry in ale form. Good stuff.
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