Friday, October 7, 2011

Dogfish Head - Palo Santo Marron 12%

Taste: Whoa Momma! A real treat! £8 a bottle. This has the scent of a precious liquor and has the flavour of ten! So insanely strong tasting. Mouthfeel of petrol (for all you fire eaters out there) in the distance a vanilla pod is screaming! Oh my god, it's like frickin' soft scoop. A.m.a.z.i.n.g.

Appearance: Your knee jerk says 'black!' But when you look deeper you see other things, strange things, luscious brown lights calling you home.

Would you buy 2? The deed us done. The bank is broke.

Would you buy 4? Four = Dead on the floor.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** It's just a question of how many scoops you want. So close to a 7....

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