Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oxfordshire Ales - Churchill Finest IPA 4.5%

Taste: This has a citrus & wheat smell. Peel with a springwater kick. It's very watery, reminiscent of a stick of zink on a brown bread crust. It's entirely pleasant, but I think it would have suited drinking it today in the 30ºC October heat, rather than this evening in my flat.... Hang on, it's warming up and things are getting more interesting, but still, it's too light for my taste.

Appearance: Orange glow. Slightly war based label, which is not usually a good thing.

Would you buy 2? I don't think so. I'd like to try the draught. If there is one.

Would you buy 4? No thanks, there are too many ales in the world to stay still on this.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** I can see some people loving this, but it's not doing it for me.

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