Taste: I'm expecting something from the dark arts of ale-flavour here. A brew so delicious that bad things happen. Let's see... Upon opening the bottle, I was transported back to my Father's home-brew barrels in the store room, I'm 6 years old, I'm licking the drops from the taps.... That's a yeasty waft. This is not of the dark side, this is a sweet, fruity hop, malt fest; Just like straw and your mouth is the scythe.
Appearance: Great, but somewhat misleading bottle. Beer is a satisfying chestnut.
Would you buy 2? I wouldn't be upset if this was the case.
Would you buy 4? I'd be a bit upset if this was the case.
Rating (out of 7): 4**** Not entirely dissatisfying. I'm beginning to feel like a grazing animal, and I like it.