Thursday, September 29, 2011

Isle of Arran Brewery - Blonde Premium Beer (5%)

Taste: Pleasant. Biscuits, citrus chemical cleaner, burny fizz. Flowers mixed with lab grade ethanol. It may be seperating into those two seperate fractions as I drink it. Fractional distillation in my mouth. Strangely I'm enjoying this chemistry experiment on my taste buds.

Appearance: A lot lighter brown than George Harrisons' hair circa 1972, yet darker and more vibrant that fake wood laminate flooring (see above image).

Would you buy 2? With a friend.

Would you buy 4? There's no rush.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * (4) My gut instinct is that this is no 5 starrer, but much better than 3. So thats 4 then.


Darren said...

Harrison looks so real! I think he momentarily came to life and sniffed the ale

Darren Woolridge said...

It looks as though Harrison briefly came out of the sleeve to smell this ale.