Monday, September 5, 2011

The Kernel Brewery - Saison 7%

Taste: Quite Belgium in style. With orange and citrus notes that play off of my Salt & Vinegar spirals perfectly. It smells a bit like gin, or Juniper, I should say. Not Gordons though, more like Magellan. Okay.... Imagine half a bottle of Lé Choffé mixed with a nice IPA....

Appearance: Straw and Gold. Viscous.

Would you Buy 2? Yes please. If all beers were of this standard, this curse wouldn't be so bad.

Would you Buy 4? Yes, if I was feeling continental.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** For the shear joy I feel that beers can be delicious, after all. I think I'm done with the vats of brown swill...
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