Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Durham Brewery - Bede's Chalice Belgian Tripel 9%

Taste: Oh man, that's nice! The Beer Boutique 's selection has done me proud so far. An American hopped Belgian style tripel turns out to be a wonderful thing. I had initial worries about the stinky yeast pong, but there's none of that in the taste; just a fruity pleasure-gulp. It tastes strong too, which means it's not deceitful. I'm going to keep this going all evening. Delicious!

Appearance: Weak black tea. Odd label, but that doesn't matter. I enjoy the strangeness of it.

Would you buy 2? Yes, i'll be coming back for more.

Would you buy 4? Oh Durham where did you come from? What other treats do you have in store? I'll still buy four of these though.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** It's a six. I'm recognising a pattern. This curse isn't all bad... The Cat's really licked my bacon with this ale!

(Beer of the month recognised on The Durham Brewery site. Go and order a few bottles, you'll not be disappointed!)
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