Sunday, September 25, 2011

Odell Brewing Co. - Cutthroat Porter 4.8%

Taste: More flavour than a lot of stronger porters that I've had recently. More than a hint of wholemeal bread crust and smokey memories. If I was drinking this in the winter in a London Pub, wrapped up in a heavy coat, I would be very happy. As it is, I'm sat in my lounge and it's quite a pleasant temperature, so it's not doing all that it could.

Appearance: Pleasing fish illustration on the label. As for the liquid, it's a slowly effervescing oil pit.

Would you buy 2? I might opt for a stronger porter. Odell has better to offer.

Would you buy 4? Hmmm, I might try that one that tasted like Rum and Rasins again. God, that was good.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** It's pretty nice.

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