Thursday, September 1, 2011

Orkney Brewery - Red MacGregor 4.0%

Taste: Smells slightly of caramel, which I can get on board with. On first taste I was a little scared that I'd picked up a glass of water, but the taste kicks in with a two second delay. It's quite smokey in a way, burnt maybe? There's plenty of taste there, but it's hard with the initial wateriness. If you take a break, it tastes like you've been noshing an entire pack of biscuits. Which is nice.

Appearance: It's actually red. Nice colour with a fluffy white hat. Bottle has some Middle Earth imagery.

Would you buy 2? Sorry Red, I don't think you're for me. I've had some gigantic flavour of late, and this isn't cutting it.

Would you buy 4? Who knows? I might accidentally order four one day. I tend to mumble, and the bar staff might get confused.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** Lots going on... Just in a different room.

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