Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Brodie's - Superior London Porter 10%

Taste: Whoa! Smells like epoxy glue, or grout. Strong. It's good that it's bold, I'm not into strong beers with a watery quality, you just end up gulping for a flavour. Tastes sweet, thick and alcoholic. Describing it as 'superglue coated coals, dunked into a molasses malt vat' may not sound too appealing, but it's really, really good! I could sip on this all night long. It's even slightly fruity... I think... I'm drunk.

Appearance: Proper black. Like olden times. The label is really old timey London somehow.

Would you buy 2? I'm watching Neil Young's Silver & Gold concert. He's sat at the piano, playing Philadelphia, it's amazing... What? Two? Yes!

Would you buy 4? I will be buying four, eventually. I don't think I'd manage more than two in an evening though, due to the strength.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** Goodness gracious me! That's some fine Porter!

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