Monday, August 15, 2011

Harviestoun - Ola Dubh (16 Special Reserve) 8%

Taste: Smells of whiskey and wood. Tastes like Whiskey and water. Could do with being a bit stronger I think. Or thicker or sweeter. Licorice after party..... Hang on, it's gaining taste points. I think the alcohol is working it's magic. Still it doesn't taste anywhere near as good as Brewdog's whiskey infused Paradox Springbank. I would be better off just smelling this.

Appearance: Like the name suggests. Black Oil. Nice looking bottle too.

Would you buy 2? I don't think I would. I prefer Whiskey and Milk.

Would you buy 4? Not at £5 a bottle. My word! £20 for 2 pints of beer?! In my day it would cost a tuppenny bit. 

Rating (out of 7): 4**** It gains marks for effort and smell.

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