Taste: Malty, hop fizz. I think this bottle may have over conditioned itself. Not to worry I can dodge the bubbles and still taste it.... The guilty feeling of getting home drunk and polishing off a movie bag of Malteasers then falling straight asleep. It's pretty subtle though. I can mostly detect some sort of rain water.
Appearance: Fizzy orange soda.
Would you buy 2? No. It'd get like that scene from Willy Wonka when Charlie and his Bad Seed grandad drink the forbidden lemonade and float to their demise.
Would you buy 4? I think you know the answer to this.
Rating (out of 7): 2** ouch, it hurts my stomach. (ps. It might just be too old) (pps. It's still in date)
Location:Badger set, Clapham common