Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wye Valley Brewery - Butty Bach 4.3%

Taste: Having drunk this in Hay on Wye in draught form, I can confirm that it's the closes thing to a seven star ale we've had, in that it feels infinitely drinkable in it's deliciousness. I'm actually nervous to take a sip... Argh, it tastes almost nothing like its kegged twin. No rich, smooth sweetness. Instead, watery hop fizz that stings the tongue like nettle wine. I smells odd, not bad, but like a hedgerow in the rain. Can they give this the same name in bottle form? 

Appearance: Translucent copper silage.

Would you buy 2? Not of the bottled variety, I've been let down so badly, I'm going to cry.

Would you buy 4? I'm actually crying.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** Refreshing but bland ... If you want a six star ale, drink it draught. :'(

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