Friday, August 26, 2011

Brakspear - Triple 7.2%

Taste: SO thick! The consistance in the mouth is like petrol (without the taste). I'm getting big marzipan hits. Huge ones, fizzing out to some sort of banana milkshake. Its a deep flavour, it keeps coming! A delicious cake of an ale.

Appearance: Conker Battle Brown. Nice individually numbered bottle. You can go online to the internets and find out when your beer was born! Ahhhhhh Cute.

Would you buy 2? I could comfortably sink two of these bad boys around a campfire.

Would you buy 4? Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Summer's not even over yet. Ask me again in the Winter.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Sweetly Alcoholic Pleasure Juice.

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