Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Magic Rock Brewing - Rapture 4.6%

Taste: Nice! Smells of Cherry and Hops. Reminiscent of some sort of delicious pie. Very hoppy, it's a surprisingly strong taste for not that heavy a beer. It's like walking though a pine forest on a hot day, all the sap is dripping from the buds into your hair and mouth. Soon, the ants will be there...

Appearance: Artwork reminds me of Pete Fowler's work. Nice coloured brown too. I like that the bottle blurb has promised to "take me to heaven and back". And on the front, the odd saying from those T-Shirts from Thailand; 'Same Same but different' (kind of).

Would you buy 2? Yes! I think this has to be one of the tastiest ales in the ABV to flavour ratio!

Would you buy 4? Things are looking up for our livers. Hooray!

Rating (out of 7): 6****** A high accolade!


Ben Martin said...

I love that label art! It's really speaking to me! I wanna try that beast! 6 star ales are rare!

DarrenWoolridge said...

God it's good! I'll pick you up one next time I'm at the Beer Boutique!