Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adnams - Southwold Winter IPA 6.7%

Taste: Grapefruit wonderment! Wow, this started off fairly uninspiring but then after a few gulps it broke down the cynical guard that govern my taste buds and rained down pure goodness. It tastes watery but not in a cheap yellow way, more in a delicious watermelon dripping down your face and into your mouth at 500 frames per second way.

Appearance: Let's have a look... Light and clear. Looks visually delicious. Stop tempting me!

Would you buy 2? Yes I would!

Would you buy 4? Okay, it's possible... I mean to say, yes! Sod it, all bets are off, I don't care if M&S are honking it to the masses, it tastes really nice.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Winter IPA??? Er, no Mr Adnams, Summer! Really nice 'chonging' ale for a relaxed ale session with your brigade. Well done.

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