Taste: after being stuck in traffic for two hours on a Friday evening. This is needed dearly. So, unsavoury as it is, let's review this ale in a nice hot bath... Okay, I'm disappointed. I was expecting strong, sweet tasting booze. But deceitfully, this beer tastes weak! (I might add that I have an almighty cold so my taste buds may not be active) its working now. I can tell it's eight percent. But for a beer that boasts an ageing of over a year I expected wild tastes beyond my craziest dreams.
Appearance: weird beano bottle art reminds me of the Chandos pub in trafalgar square. Is that the same Sam smith? If so... Stay away from their pure brewed larger. It's deadly. Oh, beer is maroon.
Would you buy 2? I don't know? Maybe. Yes why not. It's pretty nice. Not offensive.
Would you buy 4? Only if I had been lost in the. Welsh mountains all day, then I stumbled across a pub, which within lay an open fire. Then I'd order four.
Rating (out of 7): 4**** I've been harsh.
Location:In the bath