Taste: Fizz tangs and rockets; fireworks in your mouth like the 4th of July! These boys have brought liberty to my mouth sensors. I can seriously taste the handmade and entirely natural carbonation process these lads promised me on their delightful label. Fizzy and delicious in a non yellow way.
Appearance: Cloudy gold like the brass band trombones that play out in the San Francisco streets.
Would you buy 2? Hey man, if I could find a place that stocks this liberal brew I'd definitely buy 2.
Would you buy 4? When the San Francisco streets are running wild and the bells of liberty are clanging, do you say 'no, I'll stop at 2'? No, of course not! You say 'yes my good man, I'll keep drinking this bad boy until I'm numb.'
Rating (out of 7): 6****** I love San Francisco; such a beautiful city. Turns out I also love their ale. I'll be researching the Anchor Brewing Co. with feverish interest.
Location:Wimbledon, London