Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Goose island - India Pale Ale 5.9%

Taste: This smells like I'm going to love it! Hop Bomb! It's incredible. I'm in ale-love. I'm drinking this with a Caribbean Bean curry with makes this taste even better. oh, the things it's doing to the lime flavours!! Wild! It's bitter but a little bit sweet. I love it.

Appearance: Big honking Goose on the label!! How bad can that be? I've been to Chicago airport and I know how much these boys love geese.

Would you buy 2? Yes. Of course.

Would you buy 4? Definitely. But could I drink four in one sitting?

Rating (out of 7): 6****** this is right up my ale street. Almost as good as Magic Rock's Human Cannonball. But not quite.

Visit the Geese at Goose Island Brewery
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