Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sarah Hughes Brewery - Snowflake 8%

Taste: Figs, cloves and chlorine and marzipan on the palette. Vaseline finish. Reminds me of my aunts house. Possibly a freshly baked cake of some sort.

Appearance: cloudy amber. Sample.

Would you buy 2? We bought 3

Would you buy 4? Four pints might hurt.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** strange but mighty & brewed by a no-tail!!!! Praise the lord!!!

Ascot Ales - Anastasia's Imperial Stout 8%

Taste: smells like desert. I can't wait to drink it. Smooth and sweet; it really compliments a pickled egg. Weird, wild stuff!

Appearance: black cosmos.

Would you buy 2? Id like to drink one every night. But I'd die.

Would you buy 4? Yes please. But 4 pints is unwise.

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Lymestone - Stone Dead 6.7%

Taste: coffee and stamen. Planty yet sweet. Nice and strong. A rich slice of ale.

Appearance: Espresso black.

Would you buy 2? Have done.

Would you buy 4? Probably! Yes!!!

Rating (out of 7): 5*****

Mister Grundy's - 1914 Stout 5%

Taste: raspberry jelly and trenches. Nettles and stone. An eastend boozer in 1914 or the home front.

Appearance: ruby.

Would you buy 2? Have done.

Would you buy 4? Not today. Too 1900's

Rating (out of 7): 4****

Sadlers - Mud City Stout 6.6%

Taste: delicious! Curing what ales us! (namely, hangover, headache and stomach aches respectively). Rasin party cream. Like a delicious cream liquor.

Appearance: dark space.

Would you buy 2? Yes!

Would you buy 4? Yes!!!!!!

Rating (out of 7): 6****** boom!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brains - Merlin's Oak (4.3%)

Taste: Acidic leaf litter with a fruity aroma. Has someone forgot to wash the fairy liquid out of the glass? Gets rid of the blandness mind you.

Appearance: A mix between a cola and tizer, all frothed up.

Would you buy 2? In an optionless world, yes.

Would you buy 4? In a world of choice, no.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * (gets a 4 by the skin of it's ale teeth. A mistaken finger in the ratings vote?)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cotleigh Brewery - Golden Seahawk 4.2%

Taste: Smell of yeast and chlorine; this should be interesting. (It said to serve at room temperature or slightly chilled, I opted for room temp here). There's a real swimming pool changing room mat smell to this, how odd. It tastes entirely pleasant! It's really put out the vinegar burn from that pickled egg (pictured). Light but malty and smooth; it's like my mouth has been covered in some kind of liquid hug.

Appearance: I'm big into bird illustration, so this ticks the right boxes. The beer looks light and delicious.

Would you buy 2? Yes, I had to think if it's worth enduring that smell for it. But I think that it is.

Would you buy 4? Confused... I would drink this a lot. It's nice. Perhaps they could give out complementary nose pegs?

Rating (out of 7): 5***** A bafflingly nice beer. (it's worth noting that now, the smell is more tolerable. Has it subsided, or have I grown to love?)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Adnams - Ghost Ship 4.5%

Taste: actually tastes like a ghost ship sailing past in the trade winds. Chalky and delicious. Actually.... Limestoney. Soapy.

Appearance: scary label really worked on me in this festive season. Ale looks fine.

Would you buy 2? Yes. We have done.

Would you buy 4? Yes! But not today..

Rating (out of 7): 5***** not bad!!!!

Wychwood Brewery - Bountiful 4.0%

Taste: a malty bitter pleasure gulp. It's all good.

Appearance: rude/sexy/sleazy label. Mahogany brown.

Would you buy 2? I would, usually.

Would you buy 4? I could see it happening.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** sexy!

Friday, October 21, 2011

St. Peter's - Suffolk Gold 4.9%

Taste: smelt worrying. Tastes bold. An enjoyable malt-gulp with a caramel hop finish. Not bad!

Appearance: great bottle. Whiskey coloured.

Would you buy 2? Yes. To drink after work on Friday.

Would you buy 4? I don't see why not. It's tasty.

Rating out of 7: 5***** a pleasure to drink.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Durham Brewery - Evensong Traditional Ruby Ale 5%

Taste: Oh god. This is good. Big expectations after Bede's Chalice won beer of the month in September. This ruby ale doesn't disappoint. I didn't know how to describe this flavour I'm getting, until I read the label, and it hit me...A toffee-coated Kiwi fruit shouting across the park. I'm stood next to a horse chestnut and the woody scent of conkers is thick in the air.

Appearance: Looks great in my glass. A nice maroon and just the right viscosity to get me all hot and bothered. Their artwork has grown on me too.

Would you buy 2? Yes please. It's very good.

Would you buy 4? I would like four, but I'm going to spend my money on their other bottled beers for now. Can you buy some for me?

Rating (out of 7): 6****** This deserves a high mark. It's a six, but it hasn't rocked me as much as Bede's Chalice. That said, it's still a six.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Orkney Brewery - Dark Island Reserve 10%

Taste: It's deep and intense. You need time to come to terms with it. Smells like sherry trifle. Whiskey wood wonder. Speechless. It starts off blood like. (That witch pony from earlier has really messed with me). Sweet alcoholic nose.

Appearance: witch-pony mane black. Like the eyes of a hell hound. Great looking individually signed swing top bottles.

Would you buy 2: yes! If I had infinite funds.

Would you buy 4? no, I have finite funds.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** wildly extravagant.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Williams Bros. Brewing Co. - Caesar Augustus Lager IPA Hybrid 4.1%

Taste: surprising! It's really tasty! There seems to have been some beer brewing wizardry gone on here. It's really helping my curry go down. Lovely hops with a sticky pleasure-gulp. Doesn't taste that lagery, which is good. Although I understand that's just a brewing process. Smells great too.

Appearance: straw yellow. Shiny label.

Would you buy 2? Yes! Defo!

Would you buy 4? I'd stock up!

Rating (out of 7): 5***** a great gulp!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Joseph Holt - Fifth Sense 4.3%

Taste: First beer of evening,  Scent of Malt & Caramel. Fizz + hint of "beer". Leaves a pleasant taste in mouth bur us just watery. Though it has been in the fridge. 

Appearance: Label says there are hops in there too! Blowed if I can find them. Nice owl.

Would you buy 2? Doesn't sound like it?! Maybe to try a warmer one.

Would you buy 4? Highly doubtful.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** I think I shouldn't have put them anywhere near the fridge! So might have been a bit unfair. As it's working too well at the mo! Brrr!

Thanks to @Ado_16 for submitting this review via Twitter!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Brooklyn Brewery - Black Chocolate Stout 10%

Taste: (Table review) It's thick, it's really thick! This stuff is 10%! Packs a punch! LA STYLE.! love it. I want more. A friendly new yorker bought this for us. Cementing our opinion that america is an amazing dream land full of awesome accented stars. U.S.A U.S.A

Appearance: black.

Would you buy 2?: if we get them bought for us again. Yes.

Would you buy 4?: see above, if I wash cash rich also.

Rating: 6****** well done new York. We love you. Especially Ghostbusters and You've got mail.

Dogfish Head - Palo Santo Marron 12%

Taste: Whoa Momma! A real treat! £8 a bottle. This has the scent of a precious liquor and has the flavour of ten! So insanely strong tasting. Mouthfeel of petrol (for all you fire eaters out there) in the distance a vanilla pod is screaming! Oh my god, it's like frickin' soft scoop. A.m.a.z.i.n.g.

Appearance: Your knee jerk says 'black!' But when you look deeper you see other things, strange things, luscious brown lights calling you home.

Would you buy 2? The deed us done. The bank is broke.

Would you buy 4? Four = Dead on the floor.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** It's just a question of how many scoops you want. So close to a 7....

Brewdog - Alice Porter 6.2%

Taste: tastes uncannily like the sweet shop from boy! Liquorice and raisin dream. Nice.

Appearance: like a black hole. Consumes anything in it's path. A total vacuum.

Would you buy 2? I have.

Would you buy 4? More than three on the trott and you'd be dead on the floor, twitching.

Rating (out of 7): 5*****

Camden Brewery - Pale Ale 5%

Taste: oh man! It's so cold. But full of flavour! Popping candy! Creme brulé has been mentioned. You're not just tasting this in your mouth. It's a full body flavour. It snaps!!!!! Like an axe into hard wood!!!! Snap!!!! Flavour explosion!!!

Appearance: infrared.

Would you buy 2? Have done. No regret.

Would you buy 4? Yeah. Delicious.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** like an axe to the throat!

Hunters - Crack Shot 3.8%

Taste: Light. Real light. Okay though, I mean it does what I want, it brings the drunkenness on in a calm way. Seeds?

Appearance: Gorillas in the mist. Certainly to my mind Sigourney Weaver's 4th best film.

Would you buy 2?: Yes Sigourney!

Would you buy 4?: No Sigourney! Stop making Aliens!

Rating: 3*** Thank you to Sigourney for delivering this ale. It was just okay.

Salamander Brewery - Winkle Picker 4.8%

Taste: Fruity orange. slight winkle overtones. It's good. smoooooooth.

Appearance: clear orange. compliments the sky.

Would you buy 2? Not today.

Would you buy 4? Yes!!!!

Rating (out of 7): 4****

Downton Brewery - German Pale Ale 4.2%

Taste: Yes! The cold harsh wheat fields of Germany haven't let me down! Fruity but then instantly barren. Just to clarify; it tastes nice.

Appearance: Golden dreams from a time long since spent.

Would you buy 2?: Yes mam

Would you buy 4?: No mam. You protest too much.

Rating: 4**** Just what I needed tonight. Winter is coming, ale up with some German Pale.

Ascot Ales - Alley Cat Ale 3.8%

Taste: I just realised what I was doing as I handed over the money. Cat based ale!!! It's bound to be disappointing. But no! It's the ONLY nice cat based ale. It tastes hoppy but not too much. Refreshing stuff.

Appearance: classic brown.

Would you buy 2? I might. But there's 11 more to review here.

Would you buy 4? Another day.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** meow!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oakham Ales - Bishop's Farewell 5%

Taste: ¡SHOCK! as I was pouring this. I didn't need another tasteless ale, I've had a bad run. But with the first gulp I can really tell that the 'cat's licked my bacon' this time. It's as hoppy as a dream, lively, but doesn't sting the throat or eyes like most of this weeks ales. I could drink a lot of these. It's dry though, I'm going to need some saltines (salted goods). Seed-barn aftertaste.

Appearance: So so so light. I thought it was water in the candle light.

Would you buy 2? Yes. Oakham, my saviour! The curse has been lifted for a brief spell.

Would you buy 4? I could see this happening. "Barkeep! Bishop's Farewell for me and all of my friends, please!"

Rating (out of 7): 6****** The saviour of October ales. Could it win the Melthair (Sainsburys), Great British Beer Hunt?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sadler's Ales - Worcester Sorcerer 4.3%

Taste: I'm expecting something from the dark arts of ale-flavour here. A brew so delicious that bad things happen. Let's see... Upon opening the bottle, I was transported back to my Father's home-brew barrels in the store room, I'm 6 years old, I'm licking the drops from the taps.... That's a yeasty waft. This is not of the dark side, this is a sweet, fruity hop, malt fest; Just like straw and your mouth is the scythe.

Appearance: Great, but somewhat misleading bottle. Beer is a satisfying chestnut.

Would you buy 2? I wouldn't be upset if this was the case.

Would you buy 4? I'd be a bit upset if this was the case.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** Not entirely dissatisfying. I'm beginning to feel like a grazing animal, and I like it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hunter's Brewery - Full Bore Strong Ale 8%

Taste: Smells strong and sweetly alcoholic. Worryingly, it has a ghostly glugg. Meaning, that I can't taste much. In the distance, I think someone's spilt sherry on the carpet. That taste is now filling my head and steam is emanating from my nostrils. It's getting better, that's the 8% working then. Tastes better with yoghurt than pasta for some reason.

Appearance: A smoking gun on the label really speaks to me.

Would you buy 2? I would share two with a friend to reset the clocks.

Would you buy 4? Four??? Hmmm, I doubt it, The strength says yes yes, but the taste is saying no no.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** It's warmed my cockles for sure, but I demand more taste.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sharps - Red Ale 4.1%

Taste: warm chestnut gulp with stripped willow scent. This is light. The pleasure is in the spirit of it. It's seen more than the inside of a grandfather clock.

Appearance: red. On account of the oak.

Would you buy 2? Yes. I will!

Would you buy 4? Not tonight. I'm seasick from a Thames boat bar.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** not life changing. But I'd buy it for the smell.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oxfordshire Ales - Churchill Finest IPA 4.5%

Taste: This has a citrus & wheat smell. Peel with a springwater kick. It's very watery, reminiscent of a stick of zink on a brown bread crust. It's entirely pleasant, but I think it would have suited drinking it today in the 30ºC October heat, rather than this evening in my flat.... Hang on, it's warming up and things are getting more interesting, but still, it's too light for my taste.

Appearance: Orange glow. Slightly war based label, which is not usually a good thing.

Would you buy 2? I don't think so. I'd like to try the draught. If there is one.

Would you buy 4? No thanks, there are too many ales in the world to stay still on this.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** I can see some people loving this, but it's not doing it for me.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Brewster's - Wicked Woman 4.8%

Taste: melon sweet deliciousness. Lovely and sweet. Perfect after a curry. Aromatic erotica.

Appearance: orange yellow.

Would you buy 2? I have. Great stuff.

Would you buy 4? I think I would.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** it's a great gulp.

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