Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Goose island - India Pale Ale 5.9%

Taste: This smells like I'm going to love it! Hop Bomb! It's incredible. I'm in ale-love. I'm drinking this with a Caribbean Bean curry with makes this taste even better. oh, the things it's doing to the lime flavours!! Wild! It's bitter but a little bit sweet. I love it.

Appearance: Big honking Goose on the label!! How bad can that be? I've been to Chicago airport and I know how much these boys love geese.

Would you buy 2? Yes. Of course.

Would you buy 4? Definitely. But could I drink four in one sitting?

Rating (out of 7): 6****** this is right up my ale street. Almost as good as Magic Rock's Human Cannonball. But not quite.

Visit the Geese at Goose Island Brewery

Monday, February 27, 2012

Rudgate Brewery - Ruby Mild 4.4%

Taste: This smells right up my ale alley. It smells rich and boozy, like it's going to be over 10% ABV. That's actually quite incredible... Yum. It's giving me a taste-memory flash back to an almond liquor chocolate I had one christmas. It's not without a marzipan twist either... I'm going to put the Christmas tree back up.

Appearance: Imagine a ghost-stallion's eyes. Like that. The bottle has runes on it.

Would you buy 2? I'd like a small keep of these.

Would you buy 4? It is not unlikely. I think everyone should buy four. For their families.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Really delicious.

Visit Rudgate Breweries Website

Tiny Rebel Brewing Company - Fubar 4.4%

Taste: Gone off squash, grassy smell. (that'd be the US and German Hops - ed) Smell is better than the taste. Smell promise what it doesn't deliver. Spring sunshine.

Appearance: Like dehydration. (Nice Bottle, you'd expect a beer named Fubar to be around the 10% mark though - ed).

Would you buy 2? We have...

Would you buy 4? There are other available here so not today.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** A wild one from Newport.

Kindly submitted by Tim, Tom, tam, Cath, Jim, Mari. in the great Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff.

Visit the Brewery Website

XT Breweing Co. - NINE Black Velvet 5.5%

Taste:  A complex dark beer, is it a stout? no not really it's more like a black Belgian Double or 12 but with more hop character. Despite this you can actually drink several of them, which is rather dangerous.

Appearance: Pours almost black, but with a deep mahogany colour if examined closely. Cream coloured head. Pump clip uber-simple nothing but the name and brewery.

Would you buy 2? Oh yes, it's very repeatable, the lovely smokey, malty flavours are something you can't just do the once.

Would you buy 4? Yes, I would buy several.

Rating (out of 7): 6******

Kindly submitted by The London Drinker (We don't know who you are, but are you connected with the London Drinker beer fest?)

Visit the XT Brewing Co.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Celt - Dark Age 4%

Taste: Smokey pencils. Smokey ham. Smokey coffee. Charcoal bitterness. Takes like the Dark Ages probably would have done. I would like to enjoy one of these whilst camping in a rain soaked fern forest, listening to the Wickerman soundtrack.

Appearance: A handsome dark colour with a brown cream foam. Old fashioned and pleasing to the eye.

Would you buy 2? For sure!

Would you buy 4? To be transported back to King Arthur's round table? I couldn't refuse!

Rating (out of 7): 5 * * * * * . It slips done easily, but tastes interesting! Time travel ale!

Elgood's - Copper Feelgood 3.7%

Taste: Roof of the mouth fizz action. Bit alkali - blue litmus paper vibe. Also bicarbonate of soda and wasp stings. Human blood is also slightly alkali (pH 7.35 - 7.45). Is the pH scale logarithmic? Yes. If you combines this ale with an acid, such as acetic acid, would it produce a salt and carbon dioxide?

Appearance: Foaming, like seawater without the saltiness and brown of course.

Would you buy 2? To continue the science, why not?

Would you buy 4? By then we would be well onto the theory of relativity by then.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * A good 4

Visit Elgood's Brewery Website

Robinsons - Long Kiss Goodnight 4.3%

Taste: Pleasant. Satisfying. I'm lost for words - is this because it's a little non-descript? Bit soapy, and overall just pleasant.

Appearance: Dark - think Robinsons apple and blackcurrant squash.

Would you buy 2? Could handle this.

Would you buy 4? I would switch pint or pub before this.

Rating (out of 7): 4* * * * Solid.

Visit the Robinson's Website

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ramsbury Brewery - Ramsbury Bitter 3.6%

Taste: Whoa!!! Funky. Hints of the edges of cardboard boxes. Hints of old coffee granules. Stale in an old but good way. The dirt hooked from under your ram's hoof when its not running straight. Great stuff. Old garaboldi Buiscuits.

Appearance: They all look like teddy bear's eyes to me.

Would you buy 2? We bought three.

Would you buy 4? Not going by the general consensus. People aren't loving the funk as much as me.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** the average was Brought down by the group.

Laverstoke Park Farm - Organic Real Ale 5%

Taste: you're gonna love this... It's very fizzy. The Bottle bust open at the start. Not bad. Banana skins and yeast. Oh. It's a month out of date. Disregard this review.

Appearance: fizzy ornate orange.

Would you buy 2? In date ones.

Would you buy 4? Maybe not. The drawing on the bottle is too creepy.

Rating (out of 7): 3***

Purbeck Brewery - Fossil Fuel 4.2%

Taste: Smells a little toilety (Helles wheat) you're then hit by the awesome drinkability of this ale. HOT! Great drunk in the sun. But even when it's gone down. This is nice.

Appearance: orange brown. Number 3a on the chart.

Would you buy 2? 2 and a half are bought.

Would you buy 4? It's a regular. It's safe to know you'll always have a friend in this beer.

Rating (out of 7): Bravo 5*****

Purbeck Brewery - Force Four 4%

Taste: sulphurous biscuits. This is totally tasty. I could see myself running off with an ale like this.

Appearance: egg yolk yellow. Wind based ale.

Would you buy 2? Yes. But not today.

Would you buy 4? I will the custard twang is good.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** egg nog ale

Dorset Brewing Company - Jurrasic Bitter 4.2%

Taste: Semi lively. Session ale. Refreshing. Attractive. Dry tasting. Yowza!!!

Appearance: a bit of foam. Dinosaur based label.

Would you buy 2? Yes.

Would you buy 4? No. A bit average...

Rating (out of 7): 3*** flowery session

Hook Norton Brewery - Hooky Dark 3.2%

Taste: Raisins. Malty. Full bodied pleasure. Light and drinkable, you could really lose yourself In an ale like this.

Appearance: panda cola. Not too dark. Witchy label.

Would you buy 2? Please.

Would you buy 4? I could. If you were thirsty.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** I love ale

Branscombe Vale - Yo Ho Ho! 7.3%

Taste: Homebrew kit scented. Wow. Treacle pleasure. Creamy. Liquorice. Thick and delightful. I'm freezing. So this is very welcome. Dandelion and burdock smell coming through.

Appearance: There's red lights going through it.

Would you buy 2? In the cold, it's needed..

Would you buy 4? In a blizzard.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** it's RUM!!!! Didn't get the name until the last sip... We all thought it was a Santa-based Beer...

Palmers - Copper Ale 3.7%

Taste: goes incredibly well with pasties from the square and compass. Light and delicious. This really could be drunk all day.

Appearance: copper.

Would you buy 2? 3 so far.

Would you buy 4? Yes. More and more.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Delicious....

Friday, February 24, 2012

Brasserie d'Achouffe - Mc Chouffe 8%

Taste: Total Belgium. I'm out of my depth here. I've enjoyed Le Chouffe before. In Belgium when I misunderstood what 'Chouffe' meant. I then performed a little skit as the Chouffe of my mind.... Anyway. It's strong. Wheaty. Biscuity. Really strong. Tastes like madness.

Appearance: Gnomey. Dark beer. Why is it Mc?!

Would you buy 2? Eventually.

Would you buy 4? In one go? You'd be doing Chouffe impressions for your new Belgium friends.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** not as nice as Le Chouffe.

Skinner's - Cornish Blonde 5%

Taste: Tangy. Lemony. Fizz. This is clean tasting. Nice, but. It close to the draught. It's so light tasting. Deceptively strong. There's not much to say. Not Skinner's best.

Appearance: yellow straw and lemons.

Would you buy 2? not bottled.

Would you buy 4? Draught all day. But this is the bottle.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** it's drinkable. Not incredible.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sheffield Brewing Co. - Fifth Anniversary Ale 4.2%

Taste: Gentlemens toilets. Or is it an adverse reaction with Welsh blue cheese? No, there's a definite twang of disinfectant even after mouth cleansing grapes and celery.

Appearance: Grubby. Water from copper pipes.

Would you buy 2? Reluctantly. I mean I would, but I wouldn't be pleased about it. And why bother, when you can got to the toilet and get a free top-up from the basin?

Would you buy 4? Maybe if the toilet pipes were frozen you could use the volume of 4 pints to flush the urinal?

Rating (out of 7): 2** Maybe we've been harsh, but there's too much toilet in this beer.

Location: Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire

Sheffield Brewery Co. - Crucible Best 3.8%

Taste: I don't know what to say about this. A slight fizz if you concentrate hard. There might be some coffee beans lurking in there somewhere, but only deep deep down.

Appearance: The foam makes great monsters. Actually, they're sea creatures... There's a shrimp, and some sort of cephalopod.

Would you buy 2? I think I might actually, it has definitely improved as the cheese board has worn off. And the thrill of revealing the next sea creature keeps you engaged.

Would you buy 4? It's a bit like cloud spotting - it gets a bite tiresome after a while.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** It could have got four... It improves as you drink it, but you have to work too hard to find any flavour.

Location: Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire

Copper Dragon - Golden Pippin 4.2%

Taste: Orange zest mixed with crushed orange pips. Sprinkled over lavender sweets (angel kisses). Quite pleasing, although its hard to pick out the flavours.

Appearance: It really glows, but the colour is anaemic. If it was a person they would be very delicate - they'd fall over if you blew on them.

Would you buy 2? Easily. Perhaps too easily.

Would you buy 4? There's a lot on offer here, I don't think its strong enough to warrant that. However, if there was nothing else available I could easily have four.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** But one of the reviewers may have been swayed by its name.

Location: Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Saltaire Brewery - Triple Chocoholic 4.8%

Taste: Oh, Brother! That's rich. It's a mega flavour. I didn't think it would be a wise pairing with my Panang Curry, but it's actually extinguishing the burn. Plus, my fresh layer of tastebuds are really getting a treat. I'm really enjoying this. I love chocolate.

Appearance: The surface is pooling like an oil slick. This beer is nice and thick. It feels creamy in your mouth. Bottle is standard. Beer is dark. Real dark.

Would you buy 2? I'm going to. So yes.

Would you buy 4? I would. To stock in the. Cupboard for an especially decadent treat.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** Awarded six for its bold contribution to flavour and being different.

Visit the Saltaire Brewery Website

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Windsor & Eton Brewery - Guardsman Best Bitter 4.2%

Taste: Oooh! I'm impressed. I thought I was going to be underwhelmed for some reason. But the first sip was a walk in a damp flavoursome cave. In which, hanging plants, stalactites, cool temperatures and dewy moisture all played big parts. Buiscuity malts and a distant hop twang.

Appearance: It looks to be a copper red. Bottle is not that inspiring. But at least it's not bawdy.

Would you buy 2? Yes please. Tonight?

Would you buy 4? I could have four. I see no reason not to.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** A pleasurable pint.

Visit Windor & Eton Brewery Website

Monday, February 20, 2012

Little Creatures Brewing - Pale Ale 5.2%

Taste: Smells sweet, like a Honey Badger's lair. First sip was an icy shock. But things are warming up again. It's snazzy. The first Australian ale on the site I believe. Clearly brewed for their spectacular climate and spunky populous. It's smooth, summer time drinking.

Appearance: Orange. Fanta. Jazzy little cherub on the bottle is cool.

Would you buy 2? I think so. In the summer.

Would you buy 4? It would have to be a pretty special BBQ. But yes.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Generous. But I'm feeling kind.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Adnams - Southwold Winter IPA 6.7%

Taste: Grapefruit wonderment! Wow, this started off fairly uninspiring but then after a few gulps it broke down the cynical guard that govern my taste buds and rained down pure goodness. It tastes watery but not in a cheap yellow way, more in a delicious watermelon dripping down your face and into your mouth at 500 frames per second way.

Appearance: Let's have a look... Light and clear. Looks visually delicious. Stop tempting me!

Would you buy 2? Yes I would!

Would you buy 4? Okay, it's possible... I mean to say, yes! Sod it, all bets are off, I don't care if M&S are honking it to the masses, it tastes really nice.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Winter IPA??? Er, no Mr Adnams, Summer! Really nice 'chonging' ale for a relaxed ale session with your brigade. Well done.

Visit Adnams Brewery

Cottage Brewery - Sopwith Camel 4.8%

Taste: Mellow. Buttery like some kind of biscuit or shortbread. Wheat and honey. It's comes packaged with a fruity aroma. French Bread. French Bread!

Appearance: Mead. Oh yeah yeah yeah Golden syrup.

Would you buy 2? I wish I had. I might still.

Would you buy 4? I'm envious of four. Oh to be the fifth.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** great stuff!!!

Breconshire Brewery - 6 (4.4%)

Taste: smells like pickling vinegar. A bit sharp.... Is it off??? Wet cold slate. A touch bland for a Sunday. Pretty smooth though, it'll sort out my heartburn.

Appearance: pleasing. A historic brown. The best thing about the ale, some say.

Would you buy 2? No. Hahaha

Would you buy 4? By mistake. An accident i'd regret.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** better than that one yesterday.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wadworth Brewery - Wiltshire Rum Beer 5%

Taste: Ale with a sailors ration of rum? I'm not at sea, I don't need this Caribbean influence in my Saturday night ale. It's quite clever though, first you taste delicious ale then a few seconds later you get a blast of untrustworthy rum. Definitely a malt festival. 

Appearance: It has a photoshop looking gradient.. Is that possible? Its both dark and light. Curious.

Would you buy 2? Nah, I'm not really fussed governor.

Would you buy 4? No, I don't really like the rum invasion. You can't make me, I simply won't buy 4.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** I find it quite sickly. It's complex and relitivly interesting, definitely worth a try but don't get your hopes up.

Huyghe Brewery - Belgian Wheat Beer 4.5%

Taste: Orange peel without the pesticide. Really refreshing. Seriously smooth; the front of the liquid pulls the back bits right down into your ale box. Tingles your lips a little but in a nice way; makes you feel alive!

Appearance: Really cloudy and golden. When you look through the glass all you see are untrustworthy hand shadows.

Would you buy 2? Yeah, I'd buy 2 for sure.

Would you buy 4? A flat, stern, NO. I predict zesty complications after number 2. This definitely has the potential to give you the Bradley's.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** Really tasty but a little too quirky to be taken seriously. It's delicious but in a fleeting, fancy pants way. Still worthy of 4 stars though.

St. Ives Brewery - Boilers Golden Cornish Ale 4%

Taste: The lights go dim. The crowd roars, and the announcer cries out "ladies and gentlemen, it's Ale time!"

Just as those famous words will begin every performance by St. Ives brewery, they are the perfect words to describe what you are in for when you drop this ale on your table and spin it. Herein you shall find many gems that will be staples in St Ives brewery for years to come. But taste them, all in one powerful ale. And baby does this ale have something for everybody! You may feel this ale is a lesson in funky brewing. Its the coolest ale you'll ever see, brought to you by St Ives Brewery.

Appearance: standing drinking alone, two hands that hold and finger the ale glass. One mouth that drinks an ale but nobody else's ale, only St Ives ale.

Would you buy 2? if you will teach me to make ale, I will teach you to make love. That's a yes.

Would you buy 4? Out of unfathomed depths of ocean this ale rises like a radiant maiden glorifying the night. As it reveals its beauty the earth and sky, indeed all nature adores it.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** this whole ale conjures up pictures of hot sunny beaches, beautiful girls, bronzed young men and surf boards. An ale that will tempt you to roll back the carpet, invite some friends, and have a party.

Celt - Bleddyn 1075 5.6%

Taste: Celery monoxide. Market garden in London. It's getting hard to breathe. Why is the smell so overpowering. Celeriac stench.

Appearance: Surprisingly orange.

Would you buy 2? Why? You tell us!

Would you buy 4? Never. We have to be honest. Why would you. Tell me!?

Rating (out of 7): 3 unusual but not in the best way. Not that enjoyable.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rhymney - Dark 4%

Taste: chorizo scented. So meaty. Tastes like blood. Pig slashed at the throat. Or nosebleed. Mouthful of 2p coins. Not a world record. Element irons. Smelt. Slag heap.

Appearance: Compound. Slag heap. Bottle; slag heap.

Would you buy 2? Never ever. I haven't got coal-dust poisoning.

Would you buy 4? Maybe if you needed to extract some iron ore and other, iron based resources were running low.

Rating (out of 7): 1* tired of life? Try this!

Pen-Lon Cottage Brewery - Ramnesia 5.6%

Taste: Double first sip. I'm distracted. Tastes a little soapy. Alkaline. PH8. (after some discussion) a pear drop linger.

Appearance: slightly cloudy or is that just the glass?

Would you buy 2? I would. That's really nice actually,

Would you buy 4? Ummm. I wouldn't not buy 4.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** I'm on it. A sheep. But of west Wales.

Butcombe Brewery - Adam Henson's Rare Breed West Country Bitter4.2%

Taste: Low quality perfume. Turkish Delight. Non-descript. It's quite nice. It's going down fast. Fizzy.

Appearance: Not a fan of the endorsement. Sleaze fest.

Would you buy 2? Done.

Would you buy 4? Not likely.

Rating (out of 7): 3*** it's nice. But sometimes things just have to be better.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nethergate Brewery - Old Growler 5.5%

Taste: This is smooth. Dark, malty, easy to drink - just how I like my Porter! The label says its a 'robust superior porter', which I just couldn't believe when it weighs in at a meagre 5.5%. I think it just about manages it though.

Appearance: Its dark, way darker than expected. I'm sure there's hints of chestnut in there somewhere too. Leaves a good frothy mess on the inside of the glass.

Would you buy 2? I didn't, but I wish I did.

Would you buy 4? 4 in a row! This just isn't that sort of beer, and I'm not that sort of man! Maybe if I was doing a weekly shop...

Rating (out of 7): 4**** Robust and superior it may be, but there's more robust and more superior out there.

Dark Star - Imperial Stout 10.5%

Taste: This is an exciting one. Here we go... Wowzer! It smells a bit like creosote. That takes me back... It has a raisiny rummy flavour slapped over a length of slate; a single hop rests on top. Wilting. It's so strong... I'm drunk. 2 sips in. There's a liquorice aftertaste. Or aniseed. But it's distant.

Appearance: Boastful label. But it's okay in this instance. I wanted to keep this for a year or two to age. But who was I kidding. The temptation is too much.

Would you buy 2? Yes. Of course. But to drink them on the same day is asking for trouble.

Would you buy 4? Same answer applies. I would like to own four. But I will not be drinking them in one go.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** It's great! There's something troubling me that stops me awarding this a six. Ask again when I'm finished... This one's a floozy.

Dark Star - Dark Star 5.5%

This photo was not taken as part of a top secret spy mission in 1963, it's just bad quality. Sorry!
Taste: Gingery! Spicey! Perfumed soap! Delicious bath water from a sultan's palace? A pleasant warm feeling for sure, but I'm not overwhelmed.

Appearance: Darker than a red squirrel, but in that area.

Would you buy 2? Throat warming double pint possibilities could be on the horizon...

Would you buy 4? I would sign off before the end of a 4 pint shift. The ginger might start to burn I reckon.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * - a good 4, but I wouldn't want too much of this.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

St. Bernardus - Abt 12 (10%)

Taste: This smells really strong. Like a barley wine. But... Uh oh. Raspberries!!! What is it with Trappists and raspberries? It doesn't have as much cherry bakewell as I initially estimated. This is actually really nice and anyone with a penchant for sweetness will get a real bang out of this.

Appearance: Over-friendly monk on the bottle drew me in. He wants friendship. Right now! Ale is the same colour as this glass bird i grew up with in the house.

Would you buy 2? I think I could. Nice to have something strong close by. Just in case....

Would you buy 4? What kind IOC scenarios would call for four of these!?! Too terrifying to think about.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** the smell wins an extra star. Hot like fortified wine!

Visit St. Bernardus

Goose Island - Matilda 7%

Taste: Mmmmmm delicious! Even when riding a diesel train! What is that taste? Caramel, and dates - the king of dates, in liquefied form! Also, it's packed full of apricots... the juice of dried apricots and Egyptian dates.

Appearance: Excellent cap with goose motif. But where is the big honking goose you'd expect on the label?

Would you buy 2? I would guzzle two down - I'd lift my head up and pour it down, like a thirsty goose.

Would you buy 4? I would if I could afford it.

Rating (out of 7): 6****** A tremendous decadent ale. Honk!

Peak Ales - Chatsworth Gold 4.6%

Taste: Sweet, red strawberry liquorice. Like artificial raspberry flavour, but slightly more pleasant. Like a toffee apple - delicious at first, but then you start to feel sick from too much sweetness.

Appearance: A red stag in full bloom: proud, majestic and red.

Would you buy 2? Yes, like 2 antlers.

Would you buy 4? 4 antlers would be too much to carry around.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** A strong four, definitely above average.

Harviestoun - Bitter & Twisted 4.2%

Taste: Cold sharp, oaky pleasure. Like bitter lemon, with sawdust. Tangfastic.

Appearance: Some nasty curdling going on. Like the foam you get when boiling chickpeas.

Would you buy 2? Yes, despite the curdling, it tasted good, not of chickpeas (which also taste good).

Would you buy 4? Worried it might curdle my stomach.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** Tasty.

Moorhouse's - Pride of Pendle

Taste: Like orange squash made with lager rather than water. Pleasantly citrusy.... what's that stuff you extract from citrus at school? Teaching distillation.

Appearance: Boring label. Like polished wood, but more orange.

Would you buy 2? Yes, it would be a pleasure.

Would you buy 4? If only there was time...

Rating (out of 7): 5***** A good starter ale.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Anchor Brewing Co. - Liberty Ale 5.9%

Taste: Fizz tangs and rockets; fireworks in your mouth like the 4th of July! These boys have brought liberty to my mouth sensors. I can seriously taste the handmade and entirely natural carbonation process these lads promised me on their delightful label. Fizzy and delicious in a non yellow way.

Appearance: Cloudy gold like the brass band trombones that play out in the San Francisco streets.

Would you buy 2? Hey man, if I could find a place that stocks this liberal brew I'd definitely buy 2.

Would you buy 4? When the San Francisco streets are running wild and the bells of liberty are clanging, do you say 'no, I'll stop at 2'? No, of course not! You say 'yes my good man, I'll keep drinking this bad boy until I'm numb.'

Rating (out of 7): 6****** I love San Francisco; such a beautiful city. Turns out I also love their ale. I'll be researching the Anchor Brewing Co. with feverish interest.

Rhymney - Export 5%

Taste: Rhymney brewery hasn't got to best track record so far, so I approached this with trepidation. Then I noticed a silver sticker saying medal winner with a nice image of a cup. I relaxed a little. Then I relaxed even more after the first taste. Refreshing for sure, but in a wintry way. As the gulp goes in, a ham briefly licks my tongue, there's a fizz, then I have an imaginary cigar working my throat- but it's a cafe creme and it's all over so quick. This is easy to drink but I may need more action.

Appearance: A real satisfying mahogany. I would make furniture from it if I could.

Would you buy 2? In certain circumstances (see below), yes I would.

Would you buy 4? Never say never, but do say very unlikely.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * This is perfect if you need a quencher whilst climbing a snowey mountain or Rhymney Hill

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oakham Ales - JHB Jeffrey Hudson Bitter 4.2%

Taste: A light, sharp, citrusy one from Oakham. Goes well with my ploughman's. I'm enjoying it. One for the beer garden.

Appearance: see-through yellow. Named after a brave 3 1\2 ft duelist! Sounds awesome.

Would you buy 2? Yes please. I'm
The sun.

Would you buy 4? I see no reason not to.

Rating (out of 7): 5***** not wildly different. But delicious none the less.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ilkley Brewery - Mary Jane 3.5%

Taste: whoa. This is crisp... Lager crisp. Maybe a bite from my pickled egg will mellow things out.... Yes! It worked. I'm getting some lemon flavoured wheat flavours here. I chose it for it's lightness so I'm not sad.

Appearance: straw yellow. Fruity pink bottle which drew me to it.

Would you buy 2? I'll have to wait a few minutes to see if I'll receive effects similar to partaking in the sweet mary Jane. Although I've no reference for what that feels like. So I'll guess.

Would you buy 4? if I was at an outdoor summer beer fest.

Rating (out of 7): 4**** a good deal of pleasure. Best taken with a pickled egg.

Wychwood Brewery - King Goblin 6.6%

Taste: I approached this ale fearing the average. I'm happy to be proven wrong! Harsh biscuits, cherries and alcohol burn. Smokey wet pencils on the aftertaste. Not super delicious, but not tasteless.

Appearance: A comfortable ale brown. Pleasing to the eye. I'm not over keen on goblins - too sneaky to be ale brewers surely?

Would you buy 2? Depends on the competition really... Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Would you buy 4? It wouldn't be much of an adventure.

Rating (out of 7): * * * * a good 4 starrer.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thwaites - Frothy Moth (4%)

Taste: Not much. Then a slight hint of green coloured fruit gums and wax. Then not much again.

Appearance: Ale is aztec gold. Moth's are a gold ale insect.

Would you buy 2? I would be drawn in and then disappointed.

Would you buy 4? No. Too uneventful.

Rating (out of 7): Not terrible - just bland. (* * * 3 stars by the way!)
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